Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A-Duh Moment of the Month

Why did it take me until today to put crunchy peanut butter on a chocolate chip bagel?

Add in a glass of whole milk, and you'll know what my dinner was today. Score!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Baby Laundry

Laundry isn't my favorite chore. It's not the worst, but it doesn't rank anywhere near grocery shopping.

The worst kind of laundry: baby clothes.

They're one-fifth the size of normal close, so a single load has four to five times the number of clothes. When you're pulling the clothes out to fold, it feels like you keep taking clothes out, but the basket never empties.

Then, you have to be able to put the clothes away. Normally, I can only have time to fold laundry when Shane is sleeping. Since baby clothes belong in his room I have to stash them in piles and wait until he wakes up. The goal is to move the piles into the right place, before Shane finds them and dives in.

On the bright side, it takes a while to stash up enough baby clothes for a load.

True to his routine...

Shane is true to his new routine. He pooped under the slide at the tot lot yesterday, and underneath the monkey bars at the closer playground this morning.

Total time spent playing before pooping: < 4 minutes.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Shane's Playground Routine

Shane has one playground routine I could live without.

Saturday morning, Shane and I went out garage-saleing as usual. There weren't any good sales in our immediate vicinity, so I ended up carting him half a mile before calling it quits. However, I knew there was a playground up ahead that Shane had visited yet, so I slogged on another quarter of a mile to give him a thrill.

We arrived at the playground, and my son took of running. He made a loop around looking at all the gear. Once he was done surveying the landscape, he sprinted over to the slides. Shane flew up a flight of stairs, a baby blur, and then he stopped. He got really quiet. That's when the grunting started.

Shane likes to poop when he gets to a new playground. He will climb up somewhere, or he will hide under something and gets down to business.

Maybe it's Shane's attempt to mark his baby territory, but you're doing something wrong, son! The poop stays in your pants! It's called a diaper. The playground remains unmarked and you get to carry your business on with you.

Unfortunately, this means I can't let Shane run around as long as he would want. He always complains about leaving, but if his heinie stays in the baby marinade too long he'd be complaining louder for longer the rest of the day.

One day, he'll use a toilet or at least go behind a bush.

Hospital Hospitality

Baby Cole is here!

Both mother and son are doing very well. Kathleen is already walking all over. She even told me she's not taking some of her pain pills, because "a little pain now will help me heal faster later" [by not pushing herself too hard when the pain is masked]. I think she's being very wise. My sister is a tough customer.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Congratulations to Stu and Kathleen!

Congratulations to Stu and Kathleen! Shane has a new cousin, Cole. My sister's son was born yesterday near noon. He had been content to sit in there cooking, but I guess even he figured it was time to move things along. Shane and I are going to go visit the hospital tomorrow and hopefully say "hello."

Tonight, my Jama is also flying in from Beaumont to stay with my parents. They converted the first level office into a bedroom for her so that she can avoid the stairs. Unfortunately, there's no bathtub or shower on the first level, so she'll still have to tackle the steps from time to time. Nana and Jama are thinking about driving up to the hospital tomorrow to see Baby Cole, as well. It'll be nice to see Jama again.

It's a good thing this is a three day weekend, because there's a lot going on! I need to go get my measurements taken for my brother's wedding. All the groomsmen are renting something specific, and Matt wanted measurements in by the 27th, I believe. Carrie's working Saturday and going to a horse vetting afterwards, but we've got to get packing and cleaning. Eleven days to go. I have a big box of old Palladium RPG books I'm gifting to my friend, Mike D. I have a bunch of old TMNT, Robotech, Heroes Unlimited, and Rifts books. I even have a severely beat-up Ninjas and Superspies. Ah, the good old days. Mike must be doing something right as a father, because he still finds time to dabble in Rifts and goes to their open house each year.

I've been thinning down my book collection a lot. It's painful.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Change is the only constant

The hours are slow, the weeks fast, and the growth of my son seems to happen every time I turn around. The only constant is to expect change.

Nothing is safe anymore.

Shane can reach up on kitchen counters, undo baby clasps on several drawers, and wreck havoc on the computer desk. There's no computer there anymore, but it used to be a safe storage place for junk we didn't want Shane to get his hands on.  The little stink is smart enough to step on items to vault himself up places we don't want him.

Not that he needs any stepping stools to get on couches, chairs, or dressers nowadays.

The move to a new house is coming at a good time, in the sense we need to rethink many of our childproofing strategies. Shane's developed past our meager attempts to thwart his will. We'll have a fresh start in the house, and Shane will have to develop new solutions to unwravel our work.

Sabatoging Mom and Dad's safety precautions develops a baby's brain, right?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Shane's Baby Tricks

Shane's learned a few baby tricks lately. At first, he would only do them when there were no cameras or witnesses.

Now, he thinks they're fun!

He's come a long way from only being able to wave.

Shane's still in love with himself. He loves to see himself in the iPad and he tries to talk back and imitate whatever he says on screen.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The POD has arrived

The first thing I noticed upon arriving home was an eight foot tall giant pod filling my parking space. Carrie had already broken down the bed frame and moved some large items into it.

This is getting more and more real.

When you sign a contract months in advance, there's a surreal feeling to it. It takes only a little bit of effort to scribble down your name and initials(on 30+ pages)and then nothing happens. It becomes "hurry up and wait." Then the big day comes and it feels like it's over in a flash. Last time it felt like there should be some sort of graduated progression leading up to a culminating moment where Carrie and I fully realized the impact of what we just did. Large amounts of money are being exchanged! Show me the briefcases handcuffed to couriers!

Instead it was almost a letdown. We signed some papers, shook an agent's hand, and walked out the door. Very anticlimactic for legally binding my family to an agreement for the next 30 years. I wonder if people signing their souls away would feel just as mundane. They walk in, scribble out a signature, and walk away feeling unchanged until waaaay too late.

Really, I wanted to take pictures of the POD, but it's too dark outside now. The typing is probably a poor replacement, but it's all I've got for now.

Update: I tapped a few pics out when I got home today. Click if you want to see them.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Short on time! Short on time!

The clock is ticking down on many things in my life right now. 18 work days with students left; 15 calendar days until I move out of my home for the past two years; 18 calendar days until I move into my new home; 2 day left of standardized tests, and 3 days left until Shane's allergy tests.

Tick, tick, tick, the clock keeps on moving.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Best Naptime Ever (Saturday)

Saturday was "the best naptime ever."

It started with jumping over a rail into the basement, and then I took a break to write up a journal. I was watching/listening to a documentary on Sherman's March when the doorbell rang. My friend, Igor, had decided to drop by since he was in the area.

And Igor brought his motorcycle.

Igor grabbed the baby monitor, and I got to hop on his bike.

Motorcycles are lots of fun. Period.

Best naptime on a Saturday morning ever.

Note to Self:

Don't pick up toddlers by their arms.

The Difference in a Day

I woke up Saturday like this...

and I woke up Sunday like this.

No, Carrie did not freak out and attack me with scissors when she saw my last blog post (Her reaction was pretty hilarious!). It was time for the summer haircut and I haven't gone beardless in years. I give myself a week before I get sick of shaving my whole face every day. The Redweed should return a week from that point.  In the meantime, I'll try not to get carded if I go to any R-rated movies.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Reason #193.4 To Sell

Have I mentioned my son is a climber?

If you're not familiar with the layout of our house, on the other side of that railing is a drop that goes into the basement. It's really cool if you don't have a fearless son with no survival instinct and a penchant for climbing. Shane's already discovered how much fun it is to reach over the plastic barrier and drop things into the basement. I don't want him to get the idea that it might be fun to drop himself too.

Actually, it is fun. Don't try this at home (I'm a professional idiot/monkey).

I put Shane down for a nap and this is the sort of trouble I get into when Carrie's not home. I've had the urge to do it for a while. Today I had the energy and I'd cleaned up the floor of baby caltrops (er..., toys!).  My wife occasionally checks my blog, so I wonder how long it will take her to discover this...Mwa ha ha!

It's tempting to tell Carrie to check, so I can be sure to see her reaction. The best jokes are when someone is not expecting it, though. I think I'll just leave this up and see what happens!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Random musings to music. (AKA I'm killing time before bed)

It started with Yakety Yak.

For some reason, the lyrics were going through my head. I hit a verse I couldn't remember, and then I pulled up Youtube on the iPad.

Random Youtube fact: be careful about click "most viewed."

I was singing Yakey Yak and dancing around in front of an incredulous wife with the iPad when my thumb hit something. The music stopped, and someone's anus was looking at me.


Do you know what YOUR SON did?

It’s always fun when a phone call starts with “Do you know what your son did?”

Shane’s already been promoted to ‘my son’ numerous times. Yesterday, he got the dubious promotion again.

“No, what did he do?” (After all, if I say ‘Yes’ or something snarky it’ll just get me in trouble too).

“In the basement, he pushed the Ikea chair up to the counter, climbed up, crawled in the sink and turned on the water!” Shane was smiling and having a blast. When a shocked Carrie turned off the water and tried to pull him out of the sink, he turned in back on and tried to hold on for dear life. Shane knew exactly where he wanted to be.

Have I mentioned my son is a great climber?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shane's going to be getting a cousin soon.

Shane's going to be getting another cousin soon!

My sister and her husband have their own little boy on the way. I admit, I was selfishly hoping for a boy for Shane to play around with. I'm glad to know that when the stakes are 50/50 I can sometimes be on the winning half.

I think Ka and Stu were going to be happy with whatever they got, but I bet Stu is breathing a secret sigh of relief. I know that when I heard Shane was going to be a boy I was a little relieved that I didn't have to learn about anything other than the parts God gave me. As far as I can tell, I don't think that's even an issue that occurs to most women. Women sometimes seemed like some sort of mysterious creatures growing up that went to the bathroom in herds. I think most of these same women probably looked at us boys as knuckleheads, and the only thing they have to watch out with a boy baby is the upward spray capability!

I'm praying for a smooth delivery and healthy baby for my sister. I'll have to figure out a way to drag my family out to visit when Coleman comes along.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Home Inspection #2 Completed - Let the Negotiations Continue

Carrie and I are back from home inspection #2. We had the same wise-cracking home inspector as before. He did a bang up job on the first house, so it was nice having someone competent that we could trust.

The house was in better shape than the last one, but there were still little issues here and there. Honestly, it's to be expected. From the sales records online, the house was sold under durress (short sale, foreclosure, or something) and picked up by a company that specializes in fixing-up and resaling houses. From the looks of it, they did a good job, but it's an inspector's job to find anything he can. Carrie loves the house. I like it too, but there was an odd symetery and feel to it. I think part of it was from the house being vacant and I know part of it was from a couple of design choices that I'd never seen before. I'm cautious by nature when dealing with big numbers (aka mortgages). I do think it's a house that could easily grow on me (just like the townhouse did!). The yard has a ton of potential, too.

There were a couple of funny moments during the inspection. At one point, our agent and inspector were out in the garage with us. The inspector was checking out the garage door, and Carrie and I decided to go back inside (yay, A/C). We sit down on the stairwell, and I start looking at comps from around the neighborhood. A shriek rings out! A moment later, the inspector comes inside laughing with our agent in tow.

"What happened?" my wife asks.

Our agent replies, "You could hear that?"

"Barbara," the inspector said, "I think the neighborhood heard you!"

Our agent turns and accuses the inspector. "He TICKLED me!"

"Yeah, well you weren't answering my question."

This happened on and off throughout the inspection. Barbara would comment that the house felt cold, and ask what the thermostat was set to. The inspector would reply "42." Our agent would then say something back, and the entertainment began. Apparently, they've worked off and on together for years. I enjoyed the banter.

At the first home inspection, I yelled out an "I love you" to my wife when I was leaving to pick up Shane. She was in the kitchen. Of course, the inspector was checking out the front door as I passed by and he said, "I love you, too! Oh, was that awkward?"

Carrie's Korra Predictions #501337

During the latest episode of Korra, there is a quick radio snippet promoting "Cabbage Corp, a technology leader for the past 50 years." I can't recall the exact wording, because my wife has only made me watch it three times. Anyway, the annoucement happens in the very beginning of the episode when the Fire Ferrets are practicing for the tournament.

I laughed. In the first Avatar, there is a cabbage salesman that suffers a mishap almost every time you see him. I thought the radio ad was a nice hidden homage to one of the running jokes of the original series.

My wife, had a different take. "What if the cabbage man is helping the Equalists!??!?"

Fact: The cabbage man got his cabbage cart smashed repeatedly by benders.

Extension: He could've been pretty pissed off. Also, the Equalists used some new tech in the episode. Someone had to design it.

Wife's Theory: The Cabbage Corp has something to do with the Equalist agenda.

So, there you have it. Cabbage Corp commercial: a quick homage to a running joke from the original series, or a hidden bit of foreshadowing of things to come?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Where does he put it all?

I used to think my son had a hollow leg. Shane packed away so much food at meal times, a baby explosion would not have surprised me.

Now that I know the trick to this feat, it's no longer quite as amazing.

Blast from the past alert - Shane was trying to unlock the iPad and I was watching the slideshow of old pictures flashing in the background. Lifehouse's "Hanging By a Moment" was playing. This old beaut of a picture popped up. I don't think I ever posted it, so I decided to post it now.

Playground Pandemonium

Shane's changed as he's grown, but his love for the outdoors and running have been constant. Combine those two loves, and my son is one happy toddler.

Thank God for tot lots.

Shane and I go on a walk every night. On these walks, we stop at the many different playgrounds we stumble across. Shane tears around at full drunken sailor, falls, laughs, and wears himself out for bedtime.

Yes, my son runs like a drunken sailor. Just look at those arms flailing! Captain Jack would be proud.

Filming Shane can be a challenge, though. If you want some more behind the scenes footage, click to see more!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Either iPhones are easy to use, or my son is developing a brain

Sorry there's no sound.

Shane actually first started unlocking iPhones a month ago. I got a GREAT video of him laying on Carrie and playing on the phone. My wife vetoed me posting it, because it was a great up the nose shot for her! Shane's learning new tricks every day, so I'm sure we'll get a good video with sound as soon as we remember to do it. I'd do it now, but Carrie is out of town this weekend for work. It's just Shane and I! Oh, the Shannigans we'll have.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

House Carousel

We're hopping on the house carousel again!

We made an offer on a townhouse over the weekend, but found a better opportunity for a single family home. Last night, I wrote my little blog post in between negotiations and check-ins from our agent. I'm thrilled this opportunity came up. For one, Carrie was stressed and down in the dumps, because she felt she hadn't found our next home yet. There were two homes she liked that had contracts offered while she visited them and she visited a bunch of other properties she didn't feel were up to snuff.

Have I mentioned my wife knows a lot about houses? When we walk into a house, she's noting the type of cabinetry, styles of carpet, and who knows what else! We dabbled with the prospect of buying a house and she shocked a builder by identifying the style of granite they used. At another house we walked into, I found out that wood laquered cabinets was a phase in the 80s that didn't last for a multidle of reasons. No, I don't remember all the reasons, but I do remember I was impressed my wife new all of them.

Why is this important?

I have not seen the house I'm contracted to buy. I signed the contract before I looked at the pictures online.

It sounds foolish, but I belive the smarter a person is the more they can acknowledge the knowledge of another. My wife knows much more about houses, updates, and how to spot shortcuts in construction than I do. I'd be more the fool for pretending I know more than I do.

Next Tuesday will be fun, though. I'll get to see our future home at the home inspection.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Faith based scam?

So, I got an odd letter in the mail the other day. It was from St. Matthew's Churches and had a bunch of text all over it talking about how I needed to open it and receive God's blessings.

Now, I'm a Christian. I believe in evangelism and reaching out to others.

I'm also an American. Whenever I see something that claims to be awesome, I start wondering what the spin/catch is. Maybe it's the effect of the endless commercials and the pursuit of profit, but it's made me a little cynical.

Instead of throwing the letter away, I tossed it on my 'slush pile' of junk mail and promptly forgot about it.

Tonight, I finished reading my Bible for a little bit and remembered the letter. I went ahead and opened it up out of curiousity. I found a paper "prayer rug" and a "prophecy" that said I should tear up if I'm not going to read it.

First, a prayer rug as a 'medium' to communicate with Jesus goes up against everything I've come to understand from reading my Bible. The New Testament warns against using psychics and mediums. The Holy Spirit follows after Jesus' resurrection to allow us to have a personal relationship with God. No divine stationary is required. I really don't know how a paper prayer rug is supposed to save my soul. There's an optical illusion to it as well, which I guess is supposed to inspire. A gimmick.

At this point, I feel a little sick to my stomach. Using faith to fleece the flock? The letter screamed "scam!" I went ahead and opened the 'prophecy' to read it next. It's nothing I'm going to quote here. It does touch upon many Biblical promises, but the scriptures it quotes at the end stood out to me: Joel 2:28-29. By coincidence or design, I finished reading the Book of Joel before I read the letter. The scriptures were referenced inaccurately; far from what could be considered a difference in translation. I threw away the letter, or I'd quote it directly, but it basically talked about praying and getting all sorts of good stuff. I was surprised that the letter didn't ask for money directly. I guess that happens after you write back.

My wife, ever the researcher, immediately took to the internet. She found a blog, the Pondering Pastor, who pointed out some inaccuracies, and ended up looking up the Better Business Bureau's report on St. Matthew's Churches. Apparently, they don't count as a Church/non-profit because they won't release full financial statements. That was something of a give-away when we noticed their website was a '.com' and not a '.org.' Wikipedia claims that after you reply to the first letter, future letters will come from the 'church' claiming you need donations for your prayers to come true. Yes, I know wikipedia is not the fountain of impossible to alter truth, but the whole situation reeked enough my wife and I felt we had our answer. I'd post the links, but....well, battery is dying as I type. If I have time I'll update it tomorrow.

Evangelism, I can support. An attempt to extort money and profit based on someone's faith and insecurities? That's horrible.

Monday, May 7, 2012

One Tough Baby

Shane's one tough baby. He came home from Nana's house with a cut on his nose today. He's had a few abrasions on his fingers, a skinned knee, and bruises on his shins as of late.


Two reasons: 1) He can get all sorts of places he shouldn't, and 2) the boy has no fear.

Actually, the whole no fear thing could be summed up as "no survival instinct." I like to think he has total faith in Mom and Dad's ability to protect him from serious harm every time he tries to run off a slide at full speed.

Honestly, my son is amazing. I know I'm biased, but it is true. When I had the tutor family watch him several weeks ago, they were shocked when Shane tried to scale a fence (successfully). At the playground, Shane can climb up ladders, steps, and even this one chain-link rope ladder. He scrambles up to high places that he has no way that he knows to get down (save running or diving off the edge and making Da-da catch him or stop him short).  On the home front, no table is safe. If there's a chair nearby, Shane can be on top of it in under 10 seconds. If there's no chair nearby, he's learned to push one over. He startled Carrie and I today by reaching up and dragging over the small table in our kitchen awning. The little Houdini has also learned how to undo the velcro ties that hold one of the baby gates shut.

My son is amazing. His full baby intellect is geared towards how to get places he really shouldn't be able to reach yet. People see him, and I think they misjudge his age because of his size and what he's physically capable of. My little monster dwarfs some two and three year olds on the playground. He's not capable of the speech and logic they are capable of yet, but the other parents do see that as much as they see me shadowing a rambunctious runner bigger than their own spawn. 

Shane is one busy boy! He's going to be a bruiser when he gets older unless I can train some empathy and "look out for the little guy" into him.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Shane Games

Shane gave us another scare in the wee hours of Thursday morning. I'm beginning to think that parenting is half responding to imaginary crises and half responding to real crises. You just don't know if it's a real crisis or not until after you start reacting.

At 2 AM, Shane started a coughing fit in his crib. He did not cry, but the coughing continued until 2:20 AM when Carrie got worried enough to get out of bed. I admit, I wasn't at that point yet, but I was laying awake listening. I was more worried going in there would prevent Shane from going back to sleep since he wasn't crying yet and that that would upset him and cause everyone to get up.

Carrie was also extra-sensitive at this point. We got a text over the weekend that her father had a coughing fit that caused him to pass out. He fell on the hardwood face first, broke his glasses, and gashed his forehead. Everyone was worried about his heart, but after being at the hospital they determined his coughing fit was severe enough that it had cut blood flow to the brain. Very scary. You can see why Carrie would be extra worried when her son starts having a coughing fit after what happened to her dad.

Where was I? Oh, right. A little after 2:20 AM, Carrie has a warm bottle and goes to check on Shane. She starts to panic and call for me. She says that Shane wasn't responding to her when she first tried to wake him. When I get in the room, he starts to vomit what looks to be mucous. Shane's still coughing.

Carrie is scared. She starts saying, "We need to call 911."

I'm worried, too. Thankfully, I'm normally calm in the moment of a crisis (the jitters may hit me later when the adrenaline dumps out of my system). I flip the light on and look at Shane's face and lips. I don't see any blue tinging. There's no sign I can tell of that he's short on oxygen. The coughing is unabated, and he's clearly not well, though. He's crying off and on in the gaps between coughing, but the fact he can cry is a sign that he can breathe.

Carrie's still asking for an ambulance. I don't want to call one out for a false alarm, but I also know my wife well enough that we're going to end up in a hospital. I tell Carrie to go start the car. Giving someone on the verge of panic a job is a good way to focus them. I can't see any sign that Shane is in immediate danger as worrying as the situation is. I want to get him outside, because the cold air helped when he had the croup cough last time. Shane vomits more mucus on me to let me know that he really is sick.

By the time we get to the hospital, Carrie wants me to run into the ER with Shane while she parks. "Don't let them make you wait!!!" Shane's happy as a horse in a field at this point. I think he remembers the hospital fondly. All the lights and attention! I have him standing on the stand-in counter coughing and cooing when she comes sprinting.

I admit: last time when Shane ended up having bronchilitis I had thought it was going to be unnecessary to go the ER. That time, I was wrong. This time, I was right. Nothing showed up on the x-rays. Shane's oxygen levels were fine. He had a slight temperature and was cranky, but otherwise doing well. Hallelujah!

I am glad we went to the ER to get everything checked out, but I'm happier that I have good health insurance. Shane's doing fine now as if the whole thing never happened. He's still stuffy and congested, but that's been the status quo with his allergies. He has an appointment for allergy testing on the 17th.

That's one more scare to add to the tally. I'll have to post more of the fun Shane stuff later on. It sounds like he's waking up from his early nap. I managed to type in three quick posts! Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

House News

Sad news on the house front.

The lead tests all came back way positive inside and out.

The bottom of the report said that >0.5% weight was the federal definition of lead-based paint. The actual values around the house were all over 20% and as high as 34% in some areas. The average was around 29-30%.  Carrie and I ended up walking away from the house.

People have expressed their condolences, but we don't really need any. It sucks we didn't get a potential single family house, but we're only out the time, home inspection bill, and crooked lead tester's price (he'll be getting a nasty google review at some point). The people who own the house, now have to disclose to anyone interested in buying that they have lead paint. That's going to cost them a much prettier penny than we paid. I don't think they had many offers (if any) before ours, because the house had been on the market for close to 40 days when we stumbled across it.

We're back in the hunt. We're in a little bit more of a time crunch since we have to close on our house June 6th. Back-to-back closings aren't likely as we haven't found another house to put a bid on yet. Carrie was disheartened yesterday, because she found a great prospect and discovered a Radon test while she and Barbara, our agent, were walking around. Someone had put a contract on it that morning. There is a townhouse near us that's up for less than ours, but may be another good turn around prospect several years down the road.

We'll just have to keep on looking.

New Korra Conspiracy Theory

My wife sent me this email out of the blue a few days ago:

"If [Amon] truly is missing his face, he could have made a deal with Ko, the face stealer, for the power to remove bending. But, he still has his eyes...."

One of the things I love about my wife is how passionate she gets about things. We have a Potato GlaDOS on a shelf, and a Bazinga! shirt in her closet. Can you tell how much she loves her TV? I think she's still holding to her first prediction about Amon being Aang's son, but I didn't doublecheck before I wrote this.

I'm the one who started her on the whole Avatar binge. During Snowmaggedon, I showed her the original series. We watched several episodes together and then I went outside to shovel out the cars. I ended up helping out several of the neighbors and spent more time outside than planned. Naively, I assumed my wife would wait for me to come back to watch further into the series. Carrie was 8 more episodes in when I finally got done. I didn't want to watch things out of order and she didn't want to wait for me to catch up.

She finished all three seasons by the end of the next day.

Today's a new episode day for Korra and I am prohibited from watching it before Carrie gets home from work. Can you see the irony?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Like, whoa busy

Life has been way busy lately.

Some highlights:

-Shane's allergies are still going full force. He was a sniffly, snot-dripping, cough-fest today.
-He also got his head stuck in the cat door today. I got the phone call from Carrie while I was at work.
-I was at work until close to 6 PM today getting ready for being out to do the portfolio assesments
-Carrie went through hours of phone time today working on the mortgage documentation
-She was also stressed out from our jerky lead testing contractor who showed up an hour and a half late on Tuesday. He lied on the phone to Carrie, and then the seller's agent about being "10 minutes away" at the 30 and 60 minute late marks. He added a surcharge to the bill, too. What a dick.
-Packing and weeding through old items has begun.
-Shane is incredibly athletic for a baby his age. He can already climb ladders, chairs, tables, and get just about anywhere you think he can't. I'm both proud and exhausted from chasing after him whenever he's awake.
-We're still rocking no computers. I haven't had time to play a video game, though, so I guess it's not much of a loss. I'd update my journal more, but there's normally not a lot of time.
-Plus, I don't want my lack of time to sound like whining. Life is just busy with working, parenting, buying and selling houses. God has blessed us greatly with our son, our jobs and our opportunities.
-I'm looking forward to summer, though. A break from the ever present drama of working in a school will be nice.
-Oh, and no word on the new job bit. I sent my resume in for two positions a couple of weeks ago, and I've heard nil since. There's two more opportunities that just popped up (including my alma mater) I plan on applying to. Hopefully, someone will bite. There's a lot of competition it seems.
-There've been good/funny stories too, but there will be more to come. I can't write down everything, since I'm too busy living it! That's not a bad thing in the long run. I wonder if I'll ever re-read this post or just glance over it and say "Nah. There's something more interesting to read elsewhere." I guess this is more of a "post so I don't feel like I'm negelcting the blog" post.
-I love bagels now and forever.
-...and don't forget tea. The best drink ever.
-If I stop drinking it, the caffeine monkey will make my head hurt.
-I'm going to stop rambling and go wash baby bottles now.