Sunday, December 9, 2018

Snow Storm

The forecast was all over the place. Last weekend, it was "historic." Tuesday, it was a "historic miss." Wednesday brought it up to "Maybe an inch," but Thursday dropped it down to a "miss" again.

Trust me, I checked every day. I checked morning, afternoon, and night. I think it was "1-3 inches" on Saturday when I checked last.

Sunday morning, there was nothing. We all went as a family to Wegmans for milk and muffins. Carrie had tried to go by Costco Saturday for groceries, but the place was packed.

Shane and I geared up for church as it started to flurry. I realized church was closed when the parking lot was empty! We returned to a surprised, sick mommy.

The flurries picked up and the snow started to stick an hour later. This is what the street looked like at 12:22 PM.

A couple of hours later, the snow was deep enough to play in!

Shane and I geared up to investigate.

We were both on cloud nine. Shane's exuberance was less reserved than mine.

We met Silas, Monica, and Zora down the street.

The husband of the friendly Rottweiler couple (I forget his name) was doing a public service with a snowblower (which Shane loved).

We met up with Rah and marched up the street for some winter storm sledding.

Zora hasn't forgotten or forgiven the sled.

She's a little tamer about it this year, though.

We stayed on the hill for about half an hour.

I took a quick video.....not that I remember what's in it off the top of my head.

The snow and wind in everyone's faces cut down a little on stamina. Besides, the thickest snow and best sledding would be later!

Mid-air snowball capture! We bumped into a few other neighbors at the bottom of the hill and talked on the way in.

There's a hill next to our street which was a scene all day. People with 4WD could make it up the hill. People without 4WD couldn't. They were forced to turn around and find a flatter grade.

There's no way there's going to be school on Monday!

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