Monday, December 10, 2018

First School Snow Day!

It was a winter wonderland when I looked out the window!

Shane and I did our first round of shoveling early.

I left the snow on the truck for now. It helps show how much fell!

We get early morning sun, so it's imperative to expose asphalt and concrete early.

Shane was useful. Maybe for the first time? He followed some directions and shoveled with me some before the focus faded. I was happy with what I got out of him.

I was surprised to see a snow plow roll through later in the afternoon.

Last time there was a major snowstorm, it took days for a small plow to show up. We were out of school for the whole week.

It wasn't a bang-up job, but it was a start. There was exposed blacktop. Will and I had nothing better to do while the kids played, so we shoveled a ton.

I started to work on uncovering the bug while Shane, Raheem, and Henry goofed around the back yard. My original thought was, "I'll keep shoveling until someone gets cold and wants to go inside."

The boys didn't get cold and they certainly didn't want to go inside. It was above freezing and they played for hours. They were sledding on the side of Henry's house when Will and I largely called it quits.

Like I said, we shoveled A LOT. Between the sun and the temperature, the road was cleaning up the bits and pieces we missed nicely.

Will must be in better shape than I am, because he had more energy to spend on the kids sledding.

I switched to photo-documenter and hype-man.

No one sledded so fast they plunged into the creek, so that was nice!

Shane wasn't really listening at the end and doing what he wanted, so I called it quits. I wanted the break and him sending down the sled empty and out of turn was a good excuse to go in after two hours out.

It's not like we stayed inside forever, either. We went for Round 2 of sledding with Raheem, Silas, and Zora near 3 PM.

I wish we still had our sleds. One broke and someone stole the other out of the yard last year. I'm thankful Silas is happy to share his with everyone!

Everything was about setting a record. The boys would hoot, hollar, and cheer after every run!

If someone went farther, the other boy would immediately want to try and one-up them. Standard, winter fun!

Shane pioneered a penguin slide. He liked to go down on his belly. Rah tried it some, but he wasn't as enamored.

I got some video, but the sun was in a bad spot. I'm going to hold off and post videos tomorrow. There's no way we're going to be back in school!

I don't think we'll be out of school for too many days, though. The roads, where exposed, were clearing too nicely. I got annoyed with Shane when he started to shovel snow back onto the road and made him clean it up ("Didn't you see us clearing the road? Why would you undo everyone's work?")

It's not that I wanted the roads clear so we could go back to school sooner. I wanted the road cleared, so we wouldn't be trapped if we did want to go anywhere. I hope we have more days off and delayed openings ahead!

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