Sunday, December 30, 2018

Bonus Day Up North

I felt a little guilty. Shane and I had a phenomenal day yesterday while Carrie's horse fun was rained out. Carrie decided to relocate Nibs and spend Sunday at Sonya's, so Shane and I found ourselves at Jama's another night.

Our sleep was interrupted when Jama came in at 3 AM. Ed had fallen in the bathroom and she was going with him to the hospital to make sure he was alright. Jama said they didn't get back until 6:30 AM, but she still called us at 8 AM to make sure we were coming up for breakfast!

Shane and I went to our old church in Chantilly and then had Subway for lunch (Shane picked). 

We were killing time until we could meet up with John!

I hooked Shane up on Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (A very fun little game I once wrote off and then discovered years later to my delight). He mostly entertained himself, but called me over to help and witness what was going on intermittently.

John and I set out to learn and play a game of Blood Bowl.

We nerded out for the next three hours or so. John's orcs (who don't pass) ground their way to a score in the first half (with a pass they don't do). I learned that I could throw to empty space instead of players and manage to throw a long bomb to nowhere in the second half. I picked the ball up for a touchdown to tie the game before we called it. John won the moral victory when we figured out we'd been not giving him the strength advantage when defending blocks and one of my players was down and out for good.

Jama couldn't believe that we found the game and all it's rules fun.

Our final stop on the way out was Travis'. I'd left my phone charger there day 1. John had been at work and unable to see Travis Friday, so he joined us.

Travis hooked Shane up on an emulator, so that we could talk.

And so we could game! I brought out 5-Minute Marvel. I got so excited about playing with old friends that I started to rush through the rules. I realized I was fast-talking even as I did it (I'm clearly where Shane gets the excitability issues from even though I mostly control it nowadays).

Shane and I didn't get home until 9:40 PM (we stopped for gas and a burger). Thankfully, Carrie didn't get home until 9:30 PM, so there was no issue!

I've needed this break from work. It's been great seeing everybody.

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