Friday, November 19, 2021

Black Friday Deals

As Black Friday Deals pop up, I have to remind myself that 75% off of something I don't need may seem like a great deal, but it's still 25% more than I should pay. Finding things for a great price is a thrill and new things are inherently shinier than what I already have, but I'm blessed to have more than enough of what's important. I have plenty of under and un-played games (video or board) that I don't need to pick up something new. 

That hasn't stopped me from updating wishlists or filling up an online cart several times to see what I could get and for how much. I've managed to stop myself from pulling the trigger on anything so far, though!

The only place I've failed to avoid any impulse buys for is Audible. I tend to crush on things and Audible is my current craze. I bought four audiobooks for $5 each that I hope will keep me and my family busy for a great hourly rate! 

UPDATE: I picked up 3 more audiobooks for $1 each on 'Cyber Monday!' 7 audiobooks for $23 make me happy and without feeling like I overindulged. 

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