Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Kicking off the Break Right!

Carrie and Shane got COVID shots to kick off Thanksgiving Weekend. She woke me up at 4 AM to say she'd gotten Shane scheduled for his first shot and a booster for her. I said, "Sure," and went back to sleep.

Carrie said Shane was a wimp about it until she gave him a phone to look at. He hardly noticed the shot and said, "That's it?" when it was done.

I asked, "What was up with his hair?"

"I really don't know," was all Carrie could say!

I wasn't in a rush to get Shane his shot. It's not that I was scared of the vaccine so much as I didn't see it as urgent for him. Shane's not likely to be in any danger if he caught COVID, and he's lasted this far in school without being exposed and quarantined. I did have some concerns, but with as inflammatory as politics and the vaccine are right now, if there were bad reactions in kids there's no way that would have been able to stay out of the news.

I did tell Shane that the shot was his birthday present. He loved that!

UPDATE: Shane was fine the next day. Carrie's been feeling off ever since. Historically, she takes a while to recover from anything and everything. I'm writing this Sunday night at 8 PM as she's asleep on the couch. Shane's playing Roblox to keep him quiet. Laura and Amy said at the hospital it seemed to them like the 3rd shot was just as bad as the 2nd if not worse. I'm not in a rush to get my booster and I certainly wouldn't do it without Carrie feeling better.

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