Monday, November 8, 2021

Remembering Min

I forget how, but Min came up. Shane didn't really remember her, so I started pulling up old pictures from the blog.

Min was super patient with Shane. I didn't remember he liked to bury his face into her fur then, but he does the same thing with the cats now.

The reminiscing led to us talking about how Min was sick before she had to be put down.

Then it led to Ranger

And the time Max visited Nana's house while she was out of town (Shane really liked Nana's comment on the post!).

It was a fun trip down memory lane. I was a little concerned that some of the video links no longer worked. I don't have any way to recover them wherever they are. I want this blog to be something of a legacy for days like this where Shane can look up things and read my old words (and find my old typos).

I like to remember odd moments myself when looking at old posts. It's funny how writing something down can allow it to leave my head, but then re-reading it can bring it back afresh. 

But it started with Min. She was a good cat. I had fun looking through old posts with Shane.

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