Saturday, November 20, 2021

State of the Mike

So, how am I doing? Hopefully, you can tell a lot from the blog.

I try to post both highlights and challenges in life, because I think the best and worst times make the best stories. That leaves out a lot of routine things that are so normal and obvious to my family that I don't think to write them down. And in general, I try to lean towards the positive stories (even if I did do a few school posts lately!). Then there are the many stories I compose in my head that remain there never to be heard by another soul. Maybe I was busy. Maybe I forgot. Maybe a different story with a different flavor fit my mood when I sat to type.

My general state of being: Blessed.

My daily state of being: Still blessed, but often tired and doing my best to focus on how I am blessed!

I think of it as the little picture vs the big picture. It's easy to focus only on whatever challenge or stressor is right before me, but if I step back and count my blessings I can remember the big picture and take heart.

Some examples:

Little Picture: Work is tough. My A days are challenging.

Big Picture: I have a job I feel called to and find meaningful. It pays bills and provides for my family. I could stop working for a whole year and we'd be okay financially. My B days are going well. 

Little Picture: My golfer's elbow hasn't fully gone away. I stopped my exercise routine and lost ~4 pounds.

Big Picture: I'm in better shape than many high schoolers and I'm nearly 40. I know, because I work with the wrestling team. My elbow isn't fully healed, but it doesn't stop me from any of my normal routine. I just haven't resumed weight training.....which was working for me, because muscle is what you lose when you stop working out and don't change your diet. I don't have any major health concerns at the moment other than I'd like to be in better shape than I am now.

Little Picture: Carrie is often stressed and works to find energy to make it through the day.

Big Picture: We're still in love after over a decade together. Our marriage has been tested by big storms and we both feel secure with each other's commitment. Some days she finds energy and surprises me with an amazing project she accomplishes! I think Carrie looks cute when she's sleeping and we can fight (over this picture) and make up! 

Little Picture: Shane has a lot of energy and takes a lot of energy.

Big Picture: I'm proud to be Shane's dad. God blessed me by making me a father. Shane's a kind hearted, intelligent, loving goofball. He's not perfect, but no child will be. I can trust him to help out with chores and be useful around the house. I have no academic concerns about him and I'm curious to see what he will do with himself as he gets older.

Little Picture: I don't feel like I'm as connected to a close friend group like when I was growing up.

Big Picture: I was blessed with a close friend group and an amazing family growing up. They don't live as near by, but when I do get to see them I feel close even if months have gone by. I come home to a family I feel at home with and want to be around. I want more good things, because I have/I've had good things and know they're good. 

Little Picture: I want Shane to have a tight friend group growing up like I did. He doesn't. I want to find our Jeffers family connection. We haven't.

Big Picture: Shane gets along well with just about anybody. He's really good with younger kids. He has friends and connections even if he doesn't see them as constantly as he or I like. He's had some struggles at school, but nothing insurmountable. He still wants to go to school each day (Seriously! One morning he was complaining he was tired and I said, "You can stay home if you'd like" and he immediately backtracked! Young Mike would have said, "Yes, please!"). I feel like my own struggles with bullies (while not fun) helped develop me into a tougher, more emphatic, listening, and aware man. I pray it will be the same for Shane. I plan to involve Shane in youth group activities at church when he's older and maybe he'll be so ready to plug in it'll be a match made in heaven! 

And I can keep going. The trick is to take the time to pray and refocus on the big picture whenever I'm in the little struggle. I believe God has a plan for everything, so I should act like I believe it.

So, yeah. There are tough days and even weeks, but not bad months or terrible years. There are happy days amongst the tough ones, fun weeks, good months, and blessed years.

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