Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

Our festivities started with panic cleaning and a supply run (It's easy to tell when it's a Carrie-centric run...).

Grandma and Grandpa visited Wednesday evening!

It was a three-fold trip: Thanksgiving, Shane's birthday, and a cat drop off (We're babysitting Bucket again while they Bucketeer).

We were talking in the kitchen about whether or not to make Shane wait to open his present, but he was already at it when I turned the corner.

It kept him busy while the adults talked. Carrie showed off the new game table to her parents and they loved it.

The conversation when Grandma and Grandpa are around tends to be more adult about things like sports, work, and travel. That's not Shane's cup of tea, so it was good he had a present to fiddle with while we talked!

Dinner was pizza. We used the big table in the dining room. It could seat everybody....once I got the cat out of my chair. I was trying to get a shot with Shane and the cat, but when Shane saw I was taking a picture he made sure to frown.

I told him I was really trying to get a picture of the cat and ducked down to do so.

Which may have led Shane to duck under the table, too. Here he is reappearing near Grandma.

And with his own cat in tow!

Thanksgiving day, Shane and I made a trip out to see Patrick, Shelby, and Nathaniel!

I didn't remember to ask if it was OK to post any baby pics, so I held off. Instead, I give you Shane and Giles.

I spent most of the time talking rather than taking pictures. Shane spent his time playing with Giles and Nathaniel slept away! Shelby's mom cooked and everyone was kind enough to ask Shane and I to join them at the table.

It was meant to be a low-key Thanksgiving, but seeing family made me more thankful. I was glad we got the chance to drive out!

Friday, Shane and I met more family at a park in NOVA. We arrived first. Matt, Aiden, and Graham soon followed! Graham was recently recovered from hand, foot, and mouth disease, so Matt was doing his part to keep the boys active and away from newborn baby Harper. 

Bill and Ben showed up right after!

I admit: I hoped the trip would be fun for Shane, but a big factor in my motivation to drive up was to see everyone myself. I love seeing family and friends.

And then Briggs and Beau showed up, too! That was a big surprise for Matt and I! Bill had told Briggs we were meeting up and encouraged him to come out.

While all the dads were thrilled to see each other, Shane laid prone. I think he was complaining about the wind or the lack of attention.

He only kept it up until everyone went to the playground without him! It was by God's grace he had a warm hat. I'd grabbed two hats on accident before heading out. I almost put one down, but thought, "Maybe Shane will want it since we're outside." I'm glad I did. It was much colder out than anyone expected. I could feel the wind and see leaves scattering as we drove through Fairfax. 

All the kids started off playing on their own. Graham ran one way and Aiden ran up the hill to run down. Ben stuck with Bill. Shane tried to interest Aiden in rolling down the hill, but found out the hard way there were way too many sticks! Briggs brought Beau a little soccer ball to play with, but Beau seemed more interested in the slides. 

Shane and I started to play a little with the soccer ball instead. 

Which made Beau decide he wanted it. Shane tried to kick the ball back to me, but it went straight into Beau's face!

I winced so hard I almost pulled a muscle. Shane was shocked, too.

Thankfully, Beau wasn't really hurt. Briggs said, "I'm just glad I didn't do it!"

Beau recovered and the kids started to run around again.

Shane's by far the oldest, but he does a great job with little kids. He'd have been a fantastic big brother.

Ben in particular seemed to enjoy chasing after Shane.

But Shane spent time with Aiden, too. 

Roars seem "too scary" Aiden, but he's happy to swing around.

Shane and I arrived at the park around 11:15 AM. An hour later, it was getting near lunch time and the kids must have worked up an appetite.

Matt's kids were eating whatever they weren't picking their noses with (or maybe that was to add flavor, because Graham definitely gnawed on that stick, too!).

Aiden preferred leaf.

Which he tore pieces off and ate daintily.

And what the big brother does...

I told Matt I was going to tell Nana he wasn't feeding his kids! He was trying to ignore it some in case telling the boys to stop would encourage them to munch more! (My laughing and taking pictures may have counteracted his strategy...)

We said our goodbyes and everyone split up for lunch. Shane wanted spaghetti, so I took him to Noodles and Company. 

I tried to call Jama multiple times and even Ed, but I couldn't get a hold of her. I'd tried to contact John, as well, but he replied with "Sorry not going anywhere or doing anything. It's for the best I keep quiet." I would have loved to have visited Goetz, Travis, Gen and Chris, or any other number of people, but the time window was limited. I needed to get home in time to take care of evening horse chores.

Bill had given us an open invite to drop by his parents' house, so Shane and I made that our next stop.

If I had a magic wand, I'd make all the kids closer in age (preferably by aging them all up closer to Shane), but I do think Shane's kindness with those younger than him is a testament to his budding character. I pray that it continues!  

Shane and I hung out at the Jeffers for several hours before scooting back home. It was a great day and I was feeling great about the holiday weekend. 

Then something strange happened Friday evening, but that deserves a post on its own.

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