Monday, November 22, 2021

Wrestling 2021-22

I wasn't sure what I was going to do this wrestling season. There was a new coach. I don't know exactly what happened with Rick, but it sounded like he decided to call it quits. He struggled with turnout last year and only three kids showed up for the entirety COVID season. I think he was frustrated and done.

The new coach is a new coach. He's in his 30's, so he's not a young-in, but he has no experience. I figured I'd drop by practice to introduce myself and see if he needed anything. Only he wasn't there. It took a week for him to get fully cleared, so he could start the season!

I showed up on the first day to say hello and help. Only the trainers showed up, too, and wanted to do hydration testing! Coach F had thought he was going to have practice! Instead, it turned into over half an hour of standing around as kids peed in cups and were told they weren't hydrated enough, because no one told them they'd need to drink water and avoid peeing too soon before practice.

My contribution was to hunt down a volleyball. That way the kids who had already failed the test could play handball and keep themselves busy rather than doing nothing.

I didn't see any actual practice until the next day (After Round 2 of trainers trying to hydration test!). Kids were standing around and it seemed passive, so I just started yelling and making them warm-up. 

It became the routine. I get kids moving and then I hand it over to the coach.

The kids are definitely out of shape. They don't have to wear masks, so that's not an excuse for being unable to catch a breathe! 

Coaches have to stay masked. Combine that with long hair and drilling is a different experience for me!

The team is mostly brand knew to the sport. Most know nothing. With starting a week late and no experienced leaders in the room, the first match will be a slaughter. The most veteran kid is a decent wrestler, but he keeps getting in trouble at school. I've seen him at practice 2 or 3 times in the first 7 days. Another kid knows something, but he only practiced twice because he forgot to get a physical turned in. The biggest stud on the team is an 8th grader who doesn't come daily and can only wrestle JV. He'll be invaluable next year (as long as he doesn't transfer to a school with a team, so he can have better partners to practice with!).

I wasn't sure how committed I'd be as a volunteer, but I've kicked off practice with warm-ups at 4:10 and hung around until about 5:00 each day. I get a sweat going and then head home for dinner, horse chores, and family time.   

I feel like this year is going to be all about planting a seed for future years and transitioning out of COVID fright and into post-COVID life. And hopefully without interruption. The football team had to cancel one game due to a lack of players (Injury, COVID, and then all the quarantines). There are much fewer wrestlers than football players and people tend to stick with the same partners due to size issues. There are no large huddles. I think wrestling is a safer sport than football when it comes to possible contamination, but only time will tell if I'm right.

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