Happy International Tabletop Game Day!
A day which I never knew existed, but then again there's a day for everything (And probably one wildcard day: International International-Day-of-Your-Choice Day).
Anyway, there was a sale the other week and I finally bit. It's been 6 months in between my last order. I made up for it with two orders from two different sites.
The first order included an old classic I played with Matze and his family in Germany when I was 18, Das Verruckte!
Then I picked up a pair of cooperative games for young kids from a company called Peaceable Kingdoms. I figured Shane and Dylan could play and it would work out better if they were on the same team (Shane's a bad loser; Dylan's worse....and Shane's had the advantage of practice with me).
Not that the turds wanted to play them.
Eventually, Shane and I did a run through of each at home. Hopefully, we'll play them again so that they're not only for decoration.
Labyrinth was the big hit out of the first bunch.
I even brought it to school.
Carrie remembered the game from her grandparents and another teacher recognized it, as well!
The second, more nerdy order came in a couple of days later. I haven't had much of a chance to play any of them yet, but I've read through a lot of rules.
That's all happened over the past week. For Tabletop Day, we stopped by a local game store, The End Games, on the way to Costco. I wanted to do
something! I glanced at a quick demo for Clank! and Carrie and I may have made the most disastrous decision of our lives: We bought Shane a trainer deck for the Pokemon TCG.
He was stoked. It only cost $10, but if it was the gateway to something greater who can say?
I read the rules and Shane and I played a sample game. He loved it.
Carrie pulled out Blokus to give me a break after. Board games are great when it's 90+ degrees outside and only spring.

Lots of fun games here if anyone wants to geek out and play!
7AM, before coffee:
Shane did not ask if I wanted to play. He was ready. I made him wait for me to finish my coffee. I took my time, but he never got up. I had to reward the persistence.
Later on, my family visited.
"Nana, do you want to play Pokemon?" Shane asked.
"She didn't hear you. Nana never liked games like that when I was a kid, but you can always ask again." I replied.
Well, I'll be....
Shane's lost every game I've watched up until now, but he's been determined and a good sport. Will wonders never cease?
Not yet, they won't! Carrie played a round before bedtime.
Shane begged me to play after she beat him. I'm impressed.
I'm also getting bored with using the same old cards. I don't like the CCG format, but Shane has some Easter money left from Jama.....and even if it's not enough to cover what I pick out a few dollars to make things more interesting for me, too, isn't bad....