Friday, April 29, 2016

Bamboo Wars

Shane and I have gone out every day this week on bamboo hunts. New eruptions happen daily. They're well camouflaged, too. I'll see one out the window and end up finding ten more.

If we miss a shoot, it can double in size. One clever girl hid in a bush and was over a couple of feet when I tracked it.

Ten minutes a day. Shane enjoys it. I hope if we snap enough now when it's easy, there won't have to be a war of attrition (and mattocks) later.

An example of a week's unimpeded growth was down the street.

It's not my land or we would have snapped all of them. It's fun!

I leave you with a haiku

Bamboo, you may grow
Bamboo, we are after you
So stop spreading here.

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