Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Mike's Blogging Level Increased!

Mike gained skill: Use Labels.

Next level up: 200 posts.
A quick Label guide:

Life - Anything that has me talk about my life or my wife's. I noticed I made a lot of these posts normally mixed in with another subject. I'll try not to do that as much in the future.

Preggers - Not me! My wife! This is posts that included references to some of the challenges we faced during that stage of our lives.

Shane - Duh.

Work - See Shane.

Jama - See Work.

Cats - Do you see a pattern yet?

SCA - From when I was starting to try out the SCA. I ended up going on hiatus after Carrie's false contraction incident. I would love to do it again someday when I rediscover time.

Writing - There were a lot more of these tags in the beginning. Originally, this blog was going to be all about me trying to write. Shane moved in and took over much as he's taken over Carrie and I's lives. I feel like a lot of these posts are me saying "I need to write again, but I'm so busy! Gosh!" There are a few good ones including where I linked to all of my previous writings in Google docs. I'm always looking for readers and feedback.

New labels will be popping up as I've learned the value of this function now. I'm slowly becoming a better blogger.

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