Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Historic Day

Since today is probably somewhat historic, I guess I should post something.

The federal government shut down.

What a bunch of idiots.

Hopefully it resolves quickly.  I'm still praying for the morons in DC, because they're who we've got right now.

Carrie and I are County employees, so we're not directly affected. Not all of our neighbors are so lucky.

Current events post concluded.

PS - Though I wonder if this will affect my family working abroad for the State Department. I figure they'd be deemed 'essential personnel...'


  1. Megan said they're "self-funded" so no work cancelled for them! I think the money they get from the visas pays for their operating costs. I see lots of people w/ work cancelled on my fb feed though. Hopefully they can come to a resolution soon!

  2. Yeah, I'd kind of like the unpaid vacation, but it's good to still have a paycheck! Visas are priced like a McDonalds hamburger - slightly above the cost to make it. Actually it's supposed to be priced at exactly the cost, but since people complain if the fees are changed every few months, it's priced a tiny bit higher, and you multiply that by millions of visas a month worldwide, and the consular section has a pile of cash...so we will probably never shutdown. Same with USCIS and other fee for service agencies. I know some others who aren't so lucky though! Hopefully, they get their act together soon...
