Saturday, October 5, 2013

Min-imum Luck

There was blood in the litter box Friday.

Shortly thereafter, Min peed on Shane's little chair and the two black chairs in quick succession. 

It looked like she was on the mend. We gave Min the last of the antibiotics a week ago; she was roaming the house; there were no puddles to be found. 

Now, she's in kitty lock-down on what could be her final round of medicine.

Carrie, Shane and I took Min to the vet this morning. Shane played with the bird in the lounge (hilarious), and I talked to the veterinarian. 

I asked about x-rays. 

He said that unless I was willing to pay for surgery (~$1200 after the x-rays) then there wasn't a point. It would just be paying money for no gain. He ended up giving me a stronger round of antibiotics (since it seemed to work before).

If that doesn't work, Min may be going to sleep.

Thank God for the vet's honesty. It was a relief when the vet told me there wasn't a point.  I knew I wasn't going to pay for surgery going in, but Min's been around too long for me to give up on her without trying something. She was the cat that opened me up to cats. I was tempted to get an x-ray just to try know what was going on. I've been telling Shane Min is "his cat" to try and build a bond and teach some empathy.

I'm praying that the antibiotics will work, but I will do what needs to be done if they don't. I wouldn't want Min to suffer. 

Carrie, Shane, and I were supposed to go down to visit MomMom, Grandma and Grandpa this weekend. I arranged for a sub on Monday and everything. But now that we've started life-or-death antibiotics we had to cancel. Grandma understood, and they're going to drive up tomorrow to visit us instead. It's not ideal for MomMom to go through a long car ride, but Carrie comes from a long line of cat-people. We are very grateful for their willingness to change the plan.

My family? I'd quote Nana, but it's simpler to say "they're dog-people." I'm sure they'll support whatever we decide to do as well.

That's where we stand as I write this. This was a hard entry to write. I still don't think I got the words right, but Min warrants something rather than nothing.