Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday Shopping

Carrie and I aren't big on Black Friday, but she did slip out for a 30 minute supply run to Home Depot. There was one $14 purchase that she expects will change our lives: a hand vacuum.

Shane loves it. He wanted to vacuum our whole house!

Which we were totally okay with.

No, we were thrilled!

We had to institute breaks for the vacuum to 'recharge' and/or 'cool down.' It was more for us than for Shane! He was on a mission.

I told him that we were "all done" after he tackled Carrie and I's bedroom. I told him there were no more rooms without carpets upstairs. He ran and checked.

He returned excited. "The little bathroom has no carpet, Daddy!"

So we vacuumed that, too.

Our house is going to be much cleaner until the charm wears off!

1 comment:

  1. lol that is hysterical. can you train him to do dishes too?
