Sunday, March 8, 2015

More Snow in the South (lots of pictures)

I am ready for spring, but I am thankful the snow allowed Shane and I a longer stay down south.
Life in the South is much the same as in Chantilly.

There are garbage trucks...

...and books!

But Charlottesville has Mommy.

And Mommy can teach and do all sorts of fun things!

Dad enjoys it. He also enjoys shoveling snow.

Shane enjoyed the ice. He only had to have one bad slip before he learned to be careful. It was a lot of fun sliding around after that.

Dad didn't approve when Shane tried to lick and eat the dirty snow off the street, though.

Whenever a car went by, Shane jumped on a pile of snow off the road.

With a little imagination, the pile morphed into a volcano.

Shane didn't let Dad go inside until his toes were numb.

Saturday, Dad had to go to a job fair in Harrisonburg. Shane went to work with Mommy.

He loved it.

It turns out a mattress store is a good place to hang out.

When Daddy arrived, he took Shane outside to play. Balancing is fun! One day, Shane will be big enough to jump across like Dad-Dad.

Shane liked to go off-roading more than Dad did, though.

There wasn't any danger other than that of a giant mess.

Shane did not take a nap on Saturday. 

It was all part of the plan, though. Daylight savings ended Sunday morning. He got pizza to help him stay up (there's another story there for a later day!).

It worked out well, too! Shane woke up at (the new) 7:00 AM Sunday morning. He loved his Sunday school class and fought off napping until he could fight no more.

It was a brief nap. Shane could have napped longer (and in hindsight probably should have).

We went to the library to get ready for the car trip home. The librarian recommended a few books on tape (Sorry, Nana. They didn't have "Hank the Cow Dog!").

Ultimately, Shane wasn't impressed. He clearly told Dad that he wanted TV and not stories.

A little boy can't always get what he wants, though. The librarians wouldn't let him check out the monster sized books either!

It's a tough life being four!

It was a good weekend down in Charlottesville. Three full weeks up north remain before Spring Break 2015!


  1. We are so happy to read this newsy update! What fun you 3 have together!

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