Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wait....What Did You and Your Siblings Do?

I may have alluded to my siblings and I doing some pretty "interesting" things growing up in a previous post.

If you count:
  • My sisters rolling a trampoline over next to the garage and jumping off the house...
  • Sneaking my younger brother, Matt, with a video camera into the back of Stu's car after pinning him in the driveway with my car...
  • Hiding in the woods next to train tracks we were exploring while the police searched the area...
  • Putting each other in trash cans to roll down hills..
  • Swimming in a park lake and then running through the woods when the patrol boat came...
  • Standing on the back seat of a tandem bike while someone up front pedaled...
Then we may have done some "interesting" things. There may be a few scars to show for different adventures, too.

I wonder if Shane's going to realize I'm not anti-fun before he's thirty and has kids of his own. I heard about plenty of the shenanigans Pop and his siblings got into growing up.

This was a fun post to write. I could go on and on and on...

PS - Carrie fought a bull in middle school. In Mexico.

PPS - What my sisters lacked in brute strength and wrestling ability they made up for with deviousness as we got older. One time, they reversed the door knob on our German exchange student's room and locked him in.

PPPS - My sisters broke into the men's room painted everyone's toe and fingernails while they slept on a mission trip in Russia (including the pastor). 

PPPS - The Pastor and the other adults got even by buying a butchered pig's head at market and leaving it in girls' room. 

1 comment:

  1. Usually I just laugh at the hi-jinks but I admit that the twins jumping off the garage onto the trampoline was a little scary. ;-) LOVE YOU GUYS! Aunt B.
