Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Farewell, Prius

Farewell, Prius. The repair quote to replace your battery and battery fan were almost as much as you're worth. We decided not to pay it and hope nothing went wrong until your new battery died in another 100k miles. You were a good car, especially when the gas prices were over $4.

Hopefully, the charity you go to will find you a good home. It took me almost 45 minutes to clean through all the junk you accumulated for them. Some of it was from moving, but the cheerios! Oh, the cheerios! And the cheetos, too! It's messy work being a family car.

I drove around your older sibling the F-150 the week you started to sputter out. The truck is 17 years old and has the same mileage, but no fancy electronics to go haywire. It will just throw a gasket when it decides to blow up. The truck's gas mileage is half what you got, but running is running!

Rest well! I hear that Grandma and Grandpa are looking to add a younger car to their fleet. They are very generous and suggested one of your old garage mates may step up to take over your old duties...

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