Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Congrats to Cammy and Erwen!

I actually had a life this weekend.  

I went to garage sales, Section 8 housing to do some computer work, church, a bar and my parents on Saturday. Then, I got to go to Cammy and Erwen's wedding celebration Sunday night! A big congrats goes out to the two of them. They've been together since I first met them some 7 or 8 years ago. Technically, they were already married before Sunday. The two of them ran off to Aruba to get married back in March or April if memory serves me. Sunday was supposed to be the more traditional Chinese wedding for their families.

The wedding was awesome. For one, it wasn't a wedding. It was a nine course Chinese dinner at the China Gardens! I came home stuffed to the gills with authentic Chinese food for the first time in my life. There was no sweet and sour sauce or General Tso's to my initial dismay. Instead, there was some sort of fried crab meatballs, lobster, chicken, duck, and some other things I'm really not sure what I was eating. Most of it was superb, and anything I didn't like just caused me to reach for one of the other courses.  I couldn't help but laugh when they brought out the 'traditional' Chinese food takeout boxes for food that was clearly above and beyond anything I'd normally stuff into them. The only wrenches in the works were when Cammy told me the wrong time to show up (I was early to being an hour early), and then the interstate was going through massive construction on my way home.

More bullets from the weekend follow...

Saturday was great in a different way. One of the things I miss from my 'younger' days, was that my mom always found 'projects' for me. I've always liked fixing things and solving problems...especially if they aren't mine. I was never fond of housework growing up, but fixing a computer? I was game. Helping someone move? Sure. Drive a van around hunting for homeless to feed? I did it for five years after I got volunteered the first time (though I only had to drive the van on rare occasions after that). I like to feel productive, useful, and like I am doing God's work by helping others. I'm just blind when it comes to finding opportunities sometimes. My mom always seemed to know or find someone in need (and she still does). 

One thing I have to say about federally provided housing is good luck recognizing it. Some are obvious, some are where you would least expect them. The townhouse I helped out at was comparably sized to my own and wedged into a normal looking community. I know more about federal aid programs than most because of the population I worked with at my first school, but it still amazes me sometimes what the government can do for you. (Other times, I've been shocked by how little it does, so the pendulum swings both ways.)

Finally, I saw an awesome fight Saturday night. I'd texted Dan for a quick hello and ended up getting invited to watch the UFC at a bar. Shane had woken me up at 5 AM, so I was pretty drained and resistant to the idea. Luckily, I noticed the fights started much earlier than they used to and decided to go out and say hello to everybody after putting the boy to bed. It's been a very long time since I've done anything like that. Parenting, work, and chores tend to monopolize all of my energies. It was great seeing old, familiar faces. Bill, Dan, and Car Drew were all there with Bill's new girlfriend, Jill. (John was there as well, but he's grown more and more distant since I've been married, sadly)

The first fights I saw were lackluster. It felt like the fighters spend more time panting and putting their hands on their knees than fighting. The second match ended with them walking around the arena after each other heaving. Then, I saw Hughes go down. Drained, I was ready to head home. Drew made me promise to at least watch the first round of the Championship. Thirty minutes later, the damn previews and pre-fight talk stopped to show the actual match.  Wow. It was epic.  I've never seen anyone fight the way Jon Jones did, and I stayed for the whole thing. I won't do a write-up, because there are experts out there who will do it more justice than I will. I had lost most of my interest in the UFC up until I saw it. If Jon is fighting again, I may try to make my way out to see how he does.

So yeah, I actually had a life this weekend.  It just took me until now to write about it. 

I'm tempted to post notes from "unique" parent phone calls at work, but I think I'll stick with the "no messy details" rule I've followed on my blog so far. G'night for now.

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