Saturday, January 2, 2016

Houston, We Have Liftoff

Kim and Ryan supplied us with another cardboard construction project. Shane was eager to get to work. I taught him "Righty-tighty; Lefty-loosey."

Frustration quickly mounted. 

We finished enough while Carrie worked to simplify things in the morning. 

Carrie's shirt was perfect for the occasion. 

Shane started off the new year with a space pod! 

He was on cloud nine. Runaway balloons don't fly so high.

Carrie and I may have gotten a little carried away with photo attempts. 

Carrie had a brilliant idea later. "What fort is complete without blankets?" 

Internal temperatures rose to snug and warm levels in the pod. Shane asked to nap in it.

We let him. It's impossible to say no to that level of wild joy! He didn't sleep at all, but I bet he remembers it years later. He ate breakfast in space the next morning. 

A side panel suffered some minor damage from a hyper little boy being a hyper little boy, but the pod is still fully functional. I wish we knew more kids his age to invite over to play in it!

Thanks again for the wonderful present, Ryan and Kim!

UPDATE: That cats approve of space pods and blankets, too.

They're smart enough to wait until Shane goes up for the night.


  1. Cole says he wants to go back to Shane's house and play in this!

  2. You have the nicest friends! What a great gift for Shane! And a super fun thing to play in this winter, great timing for such a cool indoor gift.
