Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Goals....for Shane and Carrie!

I don't try to make everything educational, but I do like to slip things in here and there. I had Shane and Carrie come up with New Year's goals (I already posted mine!).

Carrie's goal was simple: She wanted to get in better shape. It'll take a combination of doctor's appointments for health issues, eating right, and exercise.

Shane had trouble picking. He wanted to pick things like "Make at least x new friends," or "Visit SC at least x times" that he has no control over (but wants!). 

We talked about what a goal was and I offered choices when he was still stumped. 

I offered things like:
  1. Read more books
  2. Exercise
  3. Practice a sport
  4. Typing skills
  5. Learn something new
He ended up picking typing (I'd hoped he'd pick the books!). 

We did a baseline test to see where he was at. We'll slowly address it over the year. There's really no rush.

I've always done goals, but part of this year's family goal drive was because I heard something on the radio about "so many people make goals and so many people fail so you're better off not making goals."

Which I immediately thought, "BULL!"

Making unrealistic goals? Trouble.
Defining yourself or your happiness based on goals? Trouble.
Making some goals to give yourself some guidance or something to work on? Healthy!

It's GOOD to have goals. It's OKAY to redefine them as your situation changes or you discover new things. 

We haven't addressed or practiced our goals at all yet, but this is a year long goal. It's not a sprint to burn out.

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