Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Back Swimming + Meet (Summer)

Swim team practices were in the evening, so we were able to go to VBS all morning and then finish up the days in the water. It made for a full week!

Shane's only been to one meet so far. The last one was rained out during Youth Week. They kept rescheduling it, but Shane was out of town at Nana's and then at Camp Highroad. This was our last chance to go to a meet before the finals, because we'd be out of town at Beach Week next week!

I brought my computer to the pool each night and was working on the blog. I took these Tuesday when Shane started acting a snotty, but never ran a fever. I don't know if it was the snot, a belly flop, or some  swallowed water, but  I looked up and it was clear he wanted me (and everyone else) to know that he was suffering mightily. 

Shane doesn't do stoic. He dramatizes. I figured if he could walk, he could finish practice and didn't say anything.  He opted not to launch from the block.

No one paid him much mind. I mean, I took pictures and maybe I shouldn't have. My phone is probably the thing about me he pays the most attention to.

Shane walked by me again afterward.

Yet he healed nicely when it was time for video games at home.

Wednesday, Shane was still snotty, but without fever. The thermometer hit the 99s, so his temperature was elevated. He was acting a bit mopey and moody, but took the option of hanging out at Sarah's when it was offered! Lilly and Wyatt were both recovering from tonsillectomies (I asked Sarah if she got a BOGO deal). 

He only got to stay for an hour or so, because we had to drive out to the meet. Shane complained the whole way. He was exhausted. He didn't sleep well, he worked, he already played. I bought Christian's Pizza on the way hope. Shane was interested, because his stomach hurt. Then he smelled the pizza and decided he was hungry and gobbled it down. Then his stomach was full...

I still forced him to go. I was supposed to volunteer as a judge at a minimum of two events. This was number two (and if I had to go...).

Shane loved the pool. Especially the water slides. He wanted to come back to visit on a non-meet day.

I took a picture of him before he ran off for warm-ups. He was looking a little better and probably feeding a little off the energy of so many people around such a big pool.

I went to go do Stroke and Turn Judge things. 

I signed in as a Judge and was at the pre-meet roundup when I heard some wet coughing. It sounded like someone had swallowed a bunch of water and when I looked it was my kid! One of his teammates (Caleb?) dived off the block too soon and bonked Shane's head.

Shane, who had a headache beforehand and wasn't hiding it, now had the trainers and coach freaking out that he had a concussion. Concussions scare me, too, but I saw none of the warning signs. I saw a kid that already didn't feel well and didn't want to be there have an out. Shane was making all sorts of grimaces and faces as I told the coach I was going to take him home. When I told Shane, "We're going home," the face dropped. "Really!?"

I don't doubt the hit hurt, but Shane's sudden upbeat attitude dispelled most of my worries that remained. I think he was shocked I wasn't going to make him tough it out. 

The truth is: I felt a little guilty. Shane getting bonked was a great out for me, too. It was hot. I'd forgotten my sunscreen. It'd been a long day, Shane had been whining, and I didn't want to Judge for 2 or 3 hours when he'd only flop around in the water for 5 minutes.

We went home and Shane went right to video games. He was cured, Hallelujah! Carrie bought Rogue Legacy 2 on the Switch when I told her Shane wanted it. She was a big fan of the original

A trainer from the meet tried to call the next day, but I missed it. Shane was a-ok aside from the snot. No other signs emerged. I was a little worried about it, so I payed attention and prayed. I didn't tell Shane squat, because if he knew I was watching for symptoms he would have gladly acted them out for me!

I kept Shane home from swim practice Thursday and we just called it a week. 

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