Thursday, June 1, 2023

June Blog Changes and May's Month in Review (Summer)

It's July 29th as I write this. I started working hard on the blog 3 weeks ago. Aside from some lists I'd done earlier, I hustled and got February and March done before going to Beach Week. At Beach Week, I finished up all of April, got the layout done for May, and started on a few posts. In the week I've been home from the beach, I finished May (You're reading the review!) and I've made a plan, uploaded, and laid out most of June.

I'm tired, but I hope to catch up in early August. 

For the most part, Shane has to be on electronics for me to have a chance to do any of this! 

When Shane's not on electronics, he's likely to find wherever I am and chat it up. It doesn't matter if I'm reading or writing, he's happy to tell me about whatever video game he's playing or to read aloud whatever he's reading. The moment I ask him questions about life or school, though, I get one word answers.

There will be less posts moving forward. I'll keep to the 6 a week post schedule until School's out. Then I'm going to move to 3 a week with maybe a rare 4th. It's party to help reduce the posts in the backlog, but it's also because I'm going to be condensing weeklong activities into a single post. The posts should run looong. 

I will also be stopping the Month in Review posts. With the posts longer and fewer, I won't need to link to a bunch of smaller posts and I won't need any sort of filler. I have liked writing them, though, so maybe they'll return at some point.

I really want to catch up and be done with this backlog. It's only been possible, because of summer. Shane hops on the computer and calls a cousin for several hours while I write...and write...and write. If the family watches a movie I've already seen, I sort through pictures to upload. 

Once I'm caught up, I'll re-examine how much time I want to invest here. I was too busy living life to keep up with the old rate during the school year. When I did have some writing energy, it was spent catching up or attempting fiction. Sometimes, the blog is therapeutic. It can remind me of better times when there's a rough spell or let me sort out my feelings into something understandable (I wrote 'communicable' at first, but that sounds like a disease). I hope it's a long form love letter to anyone who reads it, but especially to my family. While I hope to outlive Carrie and see Shane's great-grandkids, we're promised a life and not a certain number of years. I want to live a life well-lived. 

May in Review:

May was a busy month. It's the end of the school year, kids are doing end of year plays, and SOL tests hit. I had to work to renew my license this year, too. Most teachers are running on fumes as we gather wind for the last sprint, so Teacher Appreciation Week is well timed

Soccer kept Shane and I busy after school and on most weekends. The season ended really well

We got to see some family this month, too. Nana and Pop made their first road trip in nearly a year. The first weekend there wasn't soccer, we went to see Patrick, as well. I try to avoid posting too much heavy stuff unless it's historical, but I took a moment to reminisce about John on his birthday

Barnwise, Lilly went up for sale, competed in a fancy event, and was sold. Lilly's sale helped pay off the truck, her training fees, and brought a new horse to the barn. The new guy is doing very well. We'd been out looking at horses earlier in the month, before Boomer exploded onto the scene.

The month ended with us transitioning to summer. We walked a trail with Dylan's family, Shane started swim team practices, and I've signed him up for a bunch of youth activities.

Writing wise, I worked on some fiction. That won't show up here, but I switched gears for a little bit. I wrote two more lists on some of my video game history and a long list of anime that took forever and a day to finish. I kept thinking of other things to swap in or say and it burned me out on lists

The pets are doing well overall. There's been some aggression brewing between Pip and the sisters (Mostly Aria), but Pip's also learned he can play wrestle with the doggos

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