Saturday, May 6, 2023

Nana and Pop Roll Through! (Summer)

 For the first time since Pop's transplant, Nana and Pop hit the road. One of their first stops: Us!

Nana came bearing new place mats and hugs.

Carrie restrained Shane from racing out to meet them (She didn't trust him not to dash in front of a car!).

We met at Christian's Pizza. 

Side note: Carrie was thrilled Christian's had a black bean sauce, avocado, and feta. Nana ordered the last slice!

In Nana's defense, she offered it to Carrie. Carrie refused to take it from her. I had told Carrie to ask if they still made the flavor, but she ordered a margherita slice in lieu of asking. So I asked. They had a slice and Nana said, "Oh, that sounds wonderful! I'll take it!" Ha!

We said our goodbyes in the parking lot. Shane went with Nana and Pop! They picked a hotel in Staunton with a pool for him to swim in. They were heading out to see Patrick and Shelby's new house (and to play with Nathan, of course!).

The original plan was for Shane to come home in time for his soccer game. Nana and Pop asked to keep him, though, and I gave my blessing. I wanted him at the game, but it saved me a chunk of driving and allowed him family time.

I still had to go. The head coach can't call out even if his son does!

We were terribly short on players. I put my coaching shirt on Jaime's brother, Bryan, and the ref let him hop in goal. We passed out spare shirts to a few players on other teams who were walking by, too! Francisco was asking in English and Spanish, "Want to play another game? This way!"

Two of the players we picked up were talented! The small guy who tried to fight Shane came over, too. All earned snacks at the end of the game for being willing to play!

Carrie was thankful when I got back home. Shane being gone meant quality time! She hated losing me for the game. 

While we cuddled, Shane was off with Nana and Pop visiting Patrick's crew. Nana's been looking forward to seeing Nathan again!

Nathan was the center of attention. 

He's a friendly baby and loved every bit of it!

Shane enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with him.

I'm sure everyone toured the house, as well, but the family is always front and center whenever any of us travel.

Pop said they went out for ice cream at Dairy Queen and then played on a playground afterward.

We met up at church Sunday. Nana went to the first time guest tent to grab a free shirt (because why not?).

She gave it to me, so she wasn't being greedy!

Shane asked to go to Noodles and Company for lunch. It was a good pick, because it was on the way for our next step (Costco) and they're next stop (Jama's).

Jama and Ed were a large part of the trip equation. Nana and Pop planned to spend more time in NoVA with them than anywhere else along the route. They still have other friends in the area like from Christ Church, but they were playing it careful with Pop's health. You won't see it in the pictures, but Nana and Pop carried and wore masks with them indoors when they weren't eating.

Our part in the great journey was done.

It was time for goodbyes and the final teasing.

Nana did her own quick write-up on Facebook, so if you're friends with her you can look it up there. I took a few pictures from her, but there are still new ones to discover!

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