Friday, May 5, 2023

The May Pet Update (Summer)

Kila and Loki are huge fans of visitors! They love running out to bark at anyone who comes by. Laura and Amy think they're a big help whenever they help out with chores.

The non-stop running outside does make for stinky dogs, though. I requested a grooming session a month ago, but the groomer was booked until May! Loki was excited to run around and to try and pee all over the groomer's floor when I went to pick them up.

Kila, meanwhile, acted like she was traumatized and hid between my legs while I paid.

The groomer, Kathy, always says, "You wouldn't believe how much loose hair we blew off!" To which I always reply, "Oh, I know."

She does good work. The stinkers look good clean (for as long as it lasts!).

The groomer wouldn't have been able to tell, but Kila is still the alpha. She's full of insane amounts of energy, has the legs of a grasshopper, and loves to run through wet grass. She's also terrified of anything that isn't large enough to kill her like horses and cars (She still refuses to go near the laundry room door when someone is coming in. She will wait around the corner and see if Loki gets eaten first, thank you very much!).

Loki loves meeting new people and is more chill. Unless it's wet. He will stay on the front porch and insist on holding it rather than moisten his paws!

I'm very much a dog guy, but Carrie loves her cats. I always have plenty of cat pictures to post online!

Kitten is currently the most photogenic. He's full of energy and will do crazy things like try to climb Carrie's arm to sample her tiramisu (and she's too much of a pushover to push him over like I would!).

Kitten has still be transitioning out of the bedroom and into general population.

He gets along well with the dogs, though!

I've even invited the dogs in to play with him some.

Pip has been getting everywhere and into evertyhing.

I vastly prefer him ambushing dog tails instead of my toes.

When things go well, we're one big, happy, pet family.

Three cats and two dogs are in this shot. Find them all!

However, something has changed lately for the worse. Here you see Pip...

And here you see another cat springing upon him.

Aria and Tsuki have decided that no, they don't like Pip anymore. Tsuki will chase him, but Aria will attack. She'll dig in claws and teeth. Pip takes some licks and retreats behind the couch as quick as he can. He'll growl whenever another cat comes close, but he's clearly on the defensive.

It's far from ideal. I've been looking forward to throwing Pip out of the bedroom, but cat fights have woken up Carrie enough times that I've taken to locking Pip in our bathroom instead. I thought we were on easy street, especially with Pip being snipped. I don't know exactly when the change happened, but it's unwelcome!

I get to keep a kitten as a roommate until we figure things out. Pip begs to be let back in the bedroom whenever he sees one of us near the door. My allergies have been fine, so it's doable. I'm looking forward him moving out with the others for good, but I couldn't tell you when that is now.

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