Friday, May 19, 2023

Mid-Atlantic Dressage Festival for Lilly (Summer)

Carrie started the advertising blitz long before the MAD Festival. Some people came out to investigate Lilly until Carrie put it on hold for the performance.

Carrie trailered Lilly up herself Thursday morning. She stayed in a hotel for the length of the festival while I managed boy and barn. 

Hannah specialized in riding and training. She'd brought other horses to ride, too, so Carrie took care of Lilly's needs.

She hung Lilly's sale poster up in her stall and enjoyed the show!

Which went very well! Blue means 1st. Red means 2nd.

The victories continued the following day.

Lilly won 1st place for Training level. We got three 1st place ribbons for Training Level 1 and 2, a 2nd place ribbon, and a High Point Champion ribbon. 

Carrie festooned our living room with Lilly's ribbons. She was a happy horse, mama!

The plan was to raise Lilly's price if she did well. Carrie's hasn't changed the price yet for anyone who inquired and visited before the competition. We have a few bites, so we'll see what develops!

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