Thursday, April 13, 2023

Why Lists? Filling in a Gap

Which do you think takes longer to write: The top 10 lists or a post full of pictures?

The correct answer is "The top 10 lists."

The pictures help write the posts. I sort through, post them chronologically, do my best to remember what was going on, and make some comments. Sometimes I'll fiddle a little with the order some to make the story more cohesive (but not when I'm in hurry and catch-up mode!).

The pictures do take work ahead of time, though. I have to see what I have, think of a topic based on what I have, find the pictures I like, transfer, and post them. The February and March pictures were on my old phone, so I had to unearth and charge that to get to them. I've caught up to my new phone, but every now and then something dumb happens.

The top 10 lists were a way to break out of the writer's block. I didn't need to do any prep work. I could just sit down and write whatever I thought. I figured it would help me re-establish the habit of writing and I'd slide them in gaps where I didn't have pictures or post ideas. 

I found out they take much longer than I expected.

The lists aren't as bad as writing out a philosophical post. I've wanted to write sermon reactions or my deeper ponderings. I haven't because I have to plan, sketch out my thoughts, find/check any references I might need, and edit for clarity. There is a right way to do it and if I do it halfway I'm likely to be misunderstood. I don't want that to happen especially when I'm on a serious topic. I write to communicate my thoughts, so I want to do it well. Plus, this blog is on the internet. The internet loves to find, repeat, distort, react, and project misunderstandings to anyone and everyone so they can perpetuate the cycle while being shown advertisements (and once it's on the internet, it's there for good!).

So I thought lists would be easier than essays. 

They are, but they do take a lot longer than expected. I've spent a couple of hours on one before and that surprised me. 

The lists are my opinions, but my opinions aren't neatly sorted out in my head. I have to poke around and bring some order to the chaos. Thinking about one thing leads me to find new things in the jumble and then I have to resort my thoughts again and again! Once the list is assembled, it makes instant sense to me, but the goal is for someone else to read it. Pictures and emotions have to be broken down and mashed into the sentences that communicate a cohesive thought.

And I hope that the lists aren't just a vanity project.

My core audience is basically myself and my family (Hi, Nana!). My nuclear family itself is the star of the blog (including all the animals). 

Meanwhile, these lists are all about me. It feels a little conceited. Who am I that these lists matter? I'm not creating anything new or recording history. If I was writing reviews on a website I'd at least be contributing to the public's general knowledge (I definitely check reviews on all sorts of things). No, I'm spending a lot of time thinking about what I like when I could have been doing something more useful/beneficial.  

But I have enjoyed it. Reflection is good. I just don't want the lists to become extended navel gazing (which is not good!).

Feel free to skip over the lists if you're not interested. I have a few more to post. Any amusement you derive from them is fantastic, but the only person I know they're relevant to is me! I had fun talking to my brothers when I was coming up with my favorite characters from a book series, but that post will be worthless for anyone who hasn't read the series!

In my fondest dreams, I hope Shane reads some of these lists one day. Then I hope he tries a book, game, or show because I like it. Then I really hope he discovers he likes it, too! It'd be a fun bonding moment. It might even be fun to talk and argue about whatever he tries if he doesn't like it. 

That's got to be years down the line, though. The blog itself is sort of an extended form letter to him. If I die before he grows up, he can look back and get to know me a little bit better through what I've written.

Clearly, that's not the plan. I hope to be around long enough to see him have 10 grandchildren. I wasn't able to produce that many myself, so I'll pass that hope on to him! No pressure, though. Even if Shane doesn't have kids, I'll want a place to stay near where he settles down to make it easier to visit. I love being a parent and I'm thankful God blessed me by giving me Shane as my son. It's been a lot of work, but it's been a meaningful ride and I hope to keep at it until I'm old and gray. 

That's not where I thought this post would end, but I guess it went there. I've got more to write, so it's on to the next one!

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