Saturday, April 15, 2023

Rainy Game! (Summer)

I...I don't remember why this picture was important. I'm wondering if it was when Carrie shipped Lilly off to board at Kim's. I'm writing this at the beach, so I can't ask her directly (playing catch-up!).

I must have been watching from the house with the pets. I probably brought them in after chores, so that the dogs wouldn't bark their heads off at the truck.

It was a beautiful day. 

I took Shane to his riding lesson.

I was probably catching up on the blog watching him then, too!

We had a soccer game afterward. If you look back up at the riding pics, you'll notice I already had him in his uniform! I then had to put him in one of my t-shirts to mark him as the goalie, but being prepared is what counts.

Not that the game was prepared for us. No ref showed up.

One of the other coaches took on the job. I was thankful, because I have no idea how to do it myself. He did a fair job, too.

So far, we've been undefeated. I get anxious before running each practice, but then feel great when it goes well and it has been doing just that.

All the sunshine turned to rain partway through the game, though! I was yelling at all the kids saying, "Everyone has to play a game in the rain to be true soccer players! You're all real players now! WOOOO!"

The game ended on a PK. Leo knocked it in for us!

We were soaked by the end, but that's okay. I wasn't lying when I announced everyone should play at least one game in the rain. As long as there's no lightning, it's different, fun, and teaches kids to persevere and roll with whatever nature serves!

It annoys me how the selfie camp mirrors images. It looks like I'm in the passenger seat or the UK.

The weather was warm enough we weren't freezing. We might have air-dried a little while picking up some stuff Carrie ordered at Walmart.

We got home to rainbows over the pastures.

Last year, we had drought like conditions, so the rain has been a wonderful thing.

Carrie would be happy if it rained once a week every week from here through the end of summer.

The rainbow was a photogenic note for Shane and I to end our daily adventures on. We popped off our shoes and relaxed at home with Carrie for the rest of the night. Saturdays are great!

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