Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Last Pet Update for April (Summer)

Carrie set the front door up as a doggy air lock. It's normally wet in the mornings, so she prefers for their feet to dry a little before they start tearing around the house.

Little guy isn't intimidated by the dogs anymore.

Here, he's checking out Happy sleeping.

He probably hears Tsuki chasing a bug on the other side of the wall, but can't see her.

But he makes it over to that ledge himself. Pip is quite the explorer.

He wasn't sure what to think of Bunsen at first. His mom may have fed him rabbit before we found him (we have plenty outside).

The turd moved in. 

He even batted Bunsen a few times before I shooed him off. 

He gets into everything. Including the dog food.

I was surprised when he came to inspect unloading dishes.

And he darted past me into the closet when I was restocking paper products.

The bedroom is still his safe space, though. He the same technique Max used to use. He sees you heading for the door and tries to shoot the gap at a sprint!

Once in the bedroom, he wants to play fetch with his rabbit, attack toes, and snuggle up to Carrie (though I'll do if she's not around).

Aria is still "my cat." If I sit or lay down somewhere, she's sure to pop up and claim me.

There will be some drama with her next month. I'm not 100% when it started, but she and little guy stop getting along. I have a picture from the start of May that's incriminating that's upcomming.

But that's enough about the cats. The dogs want some written love, too! Carrie's been experimenting with where to put their lock-up. Between the muddy feet, disappearing cat poop, and chewed up paper towels, Loki and Kila are spending more time in lock-up than they used to. 

Loki would prefer to sleep outside the lock-up at night, but Kila doesn't understand. We throw him in with her, so they can keep each other company.

Kila's a chewer. She prefers fabric way more than she should, too. I'm careful to put my shoes up where she can't reach them. Locking her up at night prevents morning discoveries of shoelace and leash destruction.

Loki hates when it's raining or the ground is wet outside. He will sit on the porch and say, "I'll hold it, Dad" rather than risk getting wet himself. He'll lay down and refuse to move unless it's an emergency. 

Meanwhile, Kila has the opposite of an aversion to mud. She loves it! She is happy to run out in the wet grass, roll around, and dig in the garden if she runs out of things to chase. Notice the difference in paw coloration.

Kila's also developing bravery in all the wrong places. She's decided that she likes to "Go-go-go" and chase cars so much that she excuses herself to do so whenever she pleases. The moron girl is afraid of the laundry room door, friendly people, and trash bags, but she wants to go play adjacent to traffic. How does that work?

It's been a growing problem. I've been scooping poop only to look up and see Kila running across the pastures. She's too far away to hear me if a car's going by. She does come running when she hears her name ("Didya see me!? Didya see me!? I chased those cars! I CHASED THOSE CARS! I AM SO HAPPY!"), but we still don't want her up there unsupervised. She seems so terrified of everything I don't think she'd duck the fence to go closer, but it just takes one stupid decision....

So we bought a shock collar.

The warning beeps scare Kila and we've been able to curtail her excusing herself the road. 

I turn the collar off when I go out with them. The goal is to teach Kila it's safe to stay near her humans. When we kick them out alone in the morning, we turn her collar on. It's fixed the problem. Loki doesn't even want to be outside (unless a bird threatens to land on our property), so there's no problems there!

The track Kila's cut into the grass by the road is quite impressive. It's much easier owning dogs when you have land (and you can trust the dogs not to run off).

Overall, Loki is the chill one. He ALWAYS wants pets, rubs, and scratches. Kila is the yin to his yang. she's an endless ball of energy. I try to keep a hand on the back of her scruff if I lean down to pet her to prevent her from jumping up for a kiss. Both pups are really good with all the other animals (but Kila gets psyched if a cat runs by her at full speed for any reason!).

They're both highly tolerant of the kid, too! Sometimes he has a thing about laying terrifying train tracks or making traps for innocent doggos.

I love the doggos, but I do hope they figure out the whole baby-making thing eventually. Kila will be a year old soon and old enough we think it's safe. We paid extra for breeding rights and one litter sold would do wonders for the two goobers earning their way!

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