Friday, April 28, 2023

Soccer and Jump Pickup (Summer)

Practice continues to chug along. It's been going well! I recruited Jaime's brother, Brian, to participate one day and he's de facto a member of the team (He was just sitting there anyway. Better to put him to use!). 

We still haven't had a single practice rained out, but, let me tell you, it's been raining. I didn't fill this bucket from a hose. God did it from the clouds.

I believe this rainstorm passed through on Friday. The timestamp on the screenshot fits that narrative.

But the game was still on! We played against yellow again. We played them in our first game of the year and over half their team was missing.

This time they fielded a full team and they were physical. The ref didn't call much and people yellow started hard shouldering into our boys until our boys started shouldering back. Shane started the game on defense and he flattened a kid. Shane ran ahead of the ball, stopped as the kid dribbling charged at him, and Shane won. The kid was smaller than Shane and jumped on his back a little later to try and fight him. Shane didn't seem like he was sure of what happened, shrugged it off a bit, and the kid was pulled away. I was proud when Shane kept on playing like it wasn't a big deal.

We destroyed yellow the first time, but we fell by a single goal in the end. This was our only loss of the entire year.

But I was happy with how well we played. No one likes to lose, but losing right makes you better. Everyone played hard and a few things didn't go our way. I was proud of how Shane acquitted himself. He showed more physical and mentally toughness than usual, so I got him ice cream.

Effort should be rewarded. The win would have been a reward in itself, so the ice cream would make the loss sting less (but Shane's normally good about that part).

Shane was ecstatic when he got to hop on Roblox at home.

This wasn't really a reward from the game. Carrie was stressed about picking up a bunch of jumps from an event her Hunt Club threw. I offered to go with her and Shane gets to play Roblox when he's home alone. The dogs set up underneath him and I said, "Back in an hour! Love you!"

Carrie pulled the truck around and I hopped in (still in my coaching shirt!). 

Only someone pulled in to the driveway right as we were heading out. Carrie backed up to let them in and clobbered the remote exit post.

That became a later problem. 

It was good to know someone was on property in case there were any emergencies. Shane knows my number, too, so we continued onward. We had to drive down into Nelson County to pick up the jumps Carrie donated for the club to use.

We pulled the trailer right up to whatever was ours and loaded up!

Only we had a moment on the way home. If you've ever wondered about streamlining or thought, "How much wind really hits a car?" the answer is "a lot." One of the jumps was bow up, jutting into the wind. The air flow under it ripped the boards up from the nails and deposited them on Highway 29 behind us. We had to stop and recover the boards with nails. A lot of things went right: No one was behind us, Carrie saw it happen, and it happened right where the road started to have a shoulder. It could have been way worse.

We got home without further problem. Shane wished we could have been gone even longer, but we kicked him off the computer and went to work on the prone post.

Again, there was a lot to be thankful for. The ground was so wet, it had just flopped over. The post and the electric box were unharmed and ready for service.

I like problems that resolve quickly. You get to feel productive and go about your day! I felt good with my fathering and husbanding by helping out. 

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