Wednesday, April 26, 2023

School Update (Summer)

 I decided to decorate my cup.

It turned out to be a bad idea. I use the microwave to heat up water for tea and stickers need not apply!

Still, I didn't feel bad about throwing them away after amusing a class or two. I have a ton of stickers left over from last year.

I've started walking around and putting them on computers and papers at random. I'm pretty good at pegging which kids will be amused and which ones would be annoyed (at least I think so!).

For example, I don't bring the stickers to my anxiety case. I have a student who I haven't seen in class since December. There was some sort of medical issue that hasn't been divulged (and I'm curious, but recognize it's not my business or need to know), and rather than go on Homebound instruction, the student's mother wanted them to continue with us. That's meant I've spent the past several months meeting them on zoom during my planning a couple times a week. The counselor finally convinced the student to return to school, but they stay in the counselors office all day rather than attend their classes.

So at least twice a week I walk down to guidance. It actually takes longer than meeting on Zoom, because of the walk! The student in question finds math to be a struggle, but hopefully I'm not intimidating when I do dumb things like show up with an open highlighter in my pocket.

And I broke the counselor's spare chair trying to scoot it forward (To which I fessed up to! I wanted to be an example of honesty!).

The SOLs were at the end of May, so it's been really busy. I was so busy one day, I didn't want to write Lucy a hall pass and made a friend to speak for her instead.

Stickers + bag of boats from Melvin + hair cap from Kyla (21-22) = Boatman the Hall Pass!

I think Boaty McBoatFace went through multiple names before the end of the year. One of my old students, Macy, came and raided his brains for boats and then kidnapped him (with permission) at the end of the school year!

Anyway, it's work-work-work trying to keep kids motivated and learning as the end of the year approaches!

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