Monday, June 12, 2023

My Final Workday (Summer)

An important part of the end of the year is to recycle. There are so many things it's tempting to hoard and hold on to, but the year is done. Some kids asked me for recommendations, so I know I won't see them again as they move to new schools and new states. 

I know I made mistakes along the way, but with the kids gone there's nothing more to be said or done for most of them. I did get an email about a kid frantic that I "changed her grade." It was followed by an email from her dad (as her emails almost always were). I hadn't done anything. It looked like they read something wrong, so I took a screen shot of the gradebook and replied. They never wrote back (which I hope was because they felt silly rather than anything else!). 

I made sure to write home to all of the students who failed. It hurts, but there are some. Kids get an automatic 50% nowadays without even turning anything in, so it only takes a minimum effort to pass. Some still choose to fail. I pray that the choice was a learning opportunity for them that "Yes, there is often a minimum in life and you can fail to meet if you really try." The follow up prayer is that they learn the lesson and don't fail at something in the future by never making an effort! 

I gambled this year and left my billboards up. I didn't have the energy to deal with it. If they switch my room assignment last minute without telling me, I'm going to have to scramble at the start of next year. I wouldn't mind being back in Purple where I felt I have staff friends. I didn't work with anyone this year and felt a little isolated. I probably didn't put enough effort in getting to know the blue hall teachers, but I was almost always with kids. 

I was productive and took down stuff everywhere else in case someone paints (not that anyone's fixed the hole in my back wall for the past couple of years). Carrie was productive, too, and cut Shane's hair while I was at work!  

The library wanted me to return all my power strips. I might have, but I might have also left them in the room for next year (They're very important for teaching Computer Science...).

My new chair still squeaks. I should probably oil it next year. I still feel like I'm where God is calling me to be, but the end of the year just leaves me numb. 

This year was way better than last. Whatever energy I spent last year on battling behavior, adapting to changing regulations due to COVID, and anxiety, I spent this year on the kids and wrestling. That still left me exhausted. On one level, I believe I should be exhausted at the end of the year. That doesn't make it easy. 

Next year, my schedule is changing. I'm losing CS 1. They're giving it to another teacher who is transitioning out of the math department. He doesn't know how to code yet (hopefully, he'll get busy over the summer). I've done it for two years and feel like I've built it up at the school into a respectable course after they went through 5 teachers in 6 years. However, they want me to take care of more Geometry which is more important to the school in SOL terms. I asked if I could have one more year teaching CS2 while the new teacher adjusts. That will give me another prep instead of being all Geometry (which more preps = more work), but it doesn't feel right to ditch the kids I had all of this year. I'm still deciding how I feel about all of it. 

It started to rain as I left which fit my mood. Hopefully, summer will help wash away the fatigue and I'll be eager to start next year. 

We all went out as a family when I got back. It was good to do. I can count on my family to keep me moving (It's honestly a blessing!). Carrie wanted to grab something from Dover, so we drove there first.

Shane could only wait in the car so long, so I let him climb a tree. We had some lady laughing and cheering him on.

Carrie was much more concerned when she came out! We had Shane come down, so that we could move on.

The next stop was Wegmans. Carrie's advertised her flip phone online since we switched to T-Mobile and got new phones. Wegmans was an easy, safe public place to meet up for the exchange. The lady was over an hour late from the initial time. I forget exactly how we shifted to accommodate, but we arrived after her with the time change.

Shane and I stayed in the car while gave a crash course on how to use it. It was a busy last day! That business helped it pass, though. I was ready to rest and recharge with my family when it was all done!

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