Friday, June 2, 2023

The June Pet Update (Summer)

Here's the big upload of all the pet pictures for the month. Pip is still part timing it out of the bedroom.

He gets along fabulously with the dogs.

He's full of energy. They're full of energy. Match made.

Kila is his favorite dog to interact with.

She doesn't seem to mind the attention either.

Pip's largely stopped exploring, though. Sometimes he'll venture out, but it's much rarer now.

He's been having trouble with the other cats. Mostly this one. Carrie bought a pack of calming colors to put on Aria and Tsuki. They haven't done a thing.

Aria and Tsuki will both chase Pip on sight. Aria will jump on him with tooth and claw if she catches him, though. Pip retreats behind the couch as his safe space.

Aria will sometimes set up shop to make sure he doesn't come out. We have no idea what flipped the switch and made Aria decide Pip was the enemy. We're trying things and looking for options to resolve things peacefully, but nothing's worked so far.

Probably because of this, Pip is always eager to get back into the bedroom. If he sees Carrie or I heading for the door and the coast is clear he'll make a break for it. He's very good at timing the gap.

If he gets to the door before you open it he'll mew and jump to let you know just how badly he wants to go through it.

We kick him out each day for a while, but Pip spends the majority of his time in the bedroom.

He's super social and immediately hops up if someone lays down on the bed to sleep or write.

If he's not sleeping in front of you or on you, he's grabbing for toes or whatever else he can!

Happy is the only one who doesn't seem to mind him. Aria and Tsuki don't have a problem with her. They're happy to rule the outside world by coexisting with dogs and climbing in boxes. None of the cats ever make a break for the door when we go in or out.

Aria and Tsuki must remember their time in the barn, though. They're fascinated with the two chairs Carrie temporarily moved down there. Tsuki in particular loves to stretch out and lay on them.

Shane's bedtime continues to be a contentious time of day. Happy likes to run into his room, but the dogs have been following me in lately, too. They can both fit easily under the bed.

If I leave the door open, the sisters will poke their heads in, but they normally don't want to deal with all of the hullabaloo. 

Carrie brought Pip in one day! Shane liked that! I normally let Happy out at some point. The day before I'm wrote this (7/28), Carrie let Happy in to keep Shane company at night. Shane woke up and said he had trouble sleeping because she dropped "the biggest stinkbomb in the bathroom!" Hahaha!  

The dogs are happy and running about as usual. Kila wears her collar and I usually turn it on if I throw the two out alone. I prefer to keep it off if they go out with humans, because I want her to always feel safe if she stays near the people. Is she pregnant? Probably not. I don't think they've figured those things out yet.

Loki has figured out that when they're alone he can run out further than Kila can. Most of the time I'll find him on the porch (sometimes looking in and barking to be let in), but every now and then he'll be far off so she can't beat up on him!

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