Monday, June 19, 2023

Father's Day 2023 (Summer)

We didn't do any special trips for Father's Day. I did buy myself a wrist brace. My right wrist has been acting up. It doesn't like to be bent up or down and splaying my fingers causes more protests. I think it was a combination of doing the hand grips and I often use my pinkie to brace my phone (I looked it up and it's a thing).

I quit the grips and watch how I hold my phone now. The pain went away with rest.

On a more exciting note, I got Shane to play some more Marvel Champions! I had two expansions to choose from: A Thanos one and an X-men one! Shane picked to start the Thanos campaign (2nd best ain't bad!). I found a box set of The Bad Guys at Costco. It was 8 books for ~$21 and I offered Shane a book for each game he played with me (win or lose). 

Shane earned three books. We lost to Thanos (Mission #3 of the campaign) and he lost his motivation (well, he also went to Nana's and then Camp and then...).

Other than that, for Father's Day I want to say that I am so grateful that I get to be a husband and a father. I feel very blessed to have Shane and Carrie in my life. I pray that God equips me to be the leader my family needs in all seasons of our life. It hasn't always been easy, but the journey has been meaningful and rewarding. I can't imagine not having a family now. 

When I was younger, I enjoyed role-playing-video games immensely. I really wanted to be a hero (or at least horribly OP!). I don't play them anywhere near as much now. I'm in the role I want to be in and that's where my time and energy goes! I've enjoyed the jrpg series Trails in the Sky...but I haven't continued the 2nd one since December! I might start it up again if I ever catch up on the blog and have nothing to do, but I don't consider it a loss if I don't. 

I didn't want this to be too short of a post, so I figured I'd post a few random bits that amused me.

Something I think is super true and applies to my job:

A word play that I thought was clever:

And a verse that I often use to motivate me when I think no one will notice:

I love you Carrie and I love you Shane!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a wonderful man! Pop and I are so proud of you. This song reminds me of you:
