Thursday, February 9, 2023

Is it dead? (Summer)

I'm exactly 5 months behind on the blog today (7/8/23). the blog dead?

Sorta? I thought I would have worked more on it by now. I'm probably going to have to cut corners on the daily posts. I may switch to weekly posts next year or go on hiatus.

There were a few times I sat down to work. Here's Shane running over to talk to me during one time.

And here's Carrie on another. I'd just started to type when she came around the corner with a deck of cards.

Notice the animals, too.

Summary: Lots of love and attention from the family, but no blog progress.

Shane is at Grandma and Grandpa's, so I thought I'd blog some tonight. I started this post only to have Carrie ask to watch The Mandalorian S3E1. 

I could have said no, but I didn't.

Afterward, I did say I was going to write. The new problem was I couldn't find the page I drafted out the rest of February on. I searched the car and a bunch of old notebooks for it. I do have a bunch of pictures uploaded to not flying totally blind. There wasn't a draft up for today, so you get a "Wow, I'm behind" post.

Google just flashed an "update failed." There's thunder outside and our satellite internet doesn't like when it rains. If you're reading this, I did find a way to get it posted somehow, though!

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