Monday, February 6, 2023

Trail Day with Dylan and Eli (Q4!)

 We got to go on a trail walk with Dylan, Eli, and Goldie Sunday.

It's been an incredibly mild winter.

The trail is right by our church, so Shane and I were happy to meet up after getting lunch.

Shane would have preferred to play video games, but John and Kelly enforce a screen break midday.

Which makes midday the perfect time to go on a trail walk!

The pictures tell the story better than I can.

The water was too cold to risk getting too wet, but there were sticks a plenty.

The water itself isn't deep either. It looks intimidating, but there are parts you can nearly wade from shore to shore.

Shane's coat was off by the end.

We probably spent a couple of hours burning off energy in the great outdoors. I call that a huge success!

Another successful Sunday! 

1 comment:

  1. Great job enjoying nature and getting exercise outdoors! Pop and I will start watching the new season of Alone tomorrow night, or at least record it on the DVR.
