Thursday, February 2, 2023

That's a lot of paper! (Q4!)

I tend to make my copies first thing in the morning or during my lunch break. Today, it was during lunch. I was in a hurry.

Only someone was trying to use up all the time and all the paper.

30 * 40 = 1200 pages. That's over two whole reams! 24 minutes to print would fill the rest of lunch, as well.

The teacher who'd left the job wasn't around, but it looked like an Earth Science packet. I want to say I added paper or did something heroic, but I can't recall. I was so amazed/annoyed I took pictures for proof before moving on.

There are three copiers in the copy room, so someone monopolizing one shouldn't be an issue in theory. The second copier I checked was having a mini-meltdown. I tried turning it on and off and giving it some love, but it needed stronger medicine than I could give.

Copier number three was jammed. Clearing that ended up being my best option. If it hadn't cleared, I could have interrupted the tree-killing job in progress, but knowing my luck it'd someone mess up the job just as the teacher who left it returned.

In general, the school has gone through way more paper this year. After being virtual, trying to do things electronically for quarantines the past couple of years, and fighting cell phone addictions the prevailing trend has been to go old school. Hopefully, it's been working for everybody!

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