Friday, March 31, 2023

Popping up and Month in Review (Summer)

 Did I ever mention we got a new toaster?

And did I ever mention that it's a toast catapult? Waffles have been launched and that have hit the floor. The dogs were thrilled.

Month in Review

Soccer started this month. I was hesitant and prayed about whether or not I should coach. I heard the call and now I'm at it. There's no skipping or showing up late now. I ran it solo until Francisco started to help out.

Work has been busy. I haven't posted much about it, because it's the daily trudge and I don't usually post my students on my blog out of respect for their privacy/online presence. I did post some boat updates, though! The boats even made it to the Winter Awards Ceremony.

I started posting Weekly Top lists about books and authors. I used them to help break out of my writers block. Isolated opinions are fun and easy to write. I did lists on 10 Most Read Authors, 10 Surprise Likes, 10 DNF's, and Favorite Mystery Series. I wrote briefly about audiobooks.

Piper (AKA Pip) the Kitten is acclimating to the house

Shane is staying busy with youth group, friends, and riding in addition to soccer. Carrie and I got to pawn him off with Ellie and Landie one day and have a date day to ourselves.

Save the book lists, I wrote every post for this month in July. Some of the details were fuzzy and I'm sure I missed some fun stories, but I got enough to fill out the month and I'm happy about it. Shane and I head to the beach tomorrow!

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