Tuesday, March 14, 2023

A Plea for Childcare (Summer)

Carrie was desperate. She sent and all call out on Facebook. "Does anyone know of childcare options????" She wanted a date day.

Spring Break was near, but Carrie couldn't wait. I was home more to be on her mind, but so was Shane to limit those opportunities. If he wasn't home, it was because I was taking him somewhere. We'd kept missing each other for various reason. The kitten was in the bedroom, Carrie's stomach would be upset, or she'd fall asleep early, etc. There was nothing major that I recall. Just a series of annoyances.

Ellie came to the rescue.  

She said, "Drop Shane off!" She and Landie were going to go pick up a pair of kittens to adopt on Sunday. It was a surprise. Ellie was smart and didn't tell Shane (he'd blab). Shane got to experience Landie's excitement and hype the adoption up further!

Meanwhile, Carrie and I had over four hours to ourselves! We bought food in town from Amici's (a steak and cheese pizza, if I remember) and didn't leave the house until it was time to pick up Shane. We spent part of the time watching Black Panther 2, because when else would we have a spare 2.5 hours to watch something uninterrupted?

We enjoyed our time off immensely, but started to worry Shane might have been overstaying his welcome. Ellie gave us a gift and we didn't want it to become a burden!

It turned out, we didn't need to worry. Shane made Ellie's day easier! He's great with younger kids and said he had a great time when we picked him up.

Hooray for friends! That was the break we needed to make it to Spring Break without any mental break downs!

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