Thursday, March 30, 2023

Soccer Practice - Up a Tree (Summer)

Every Thursday is soccer. I believe this Thursday was the fourth practice. I don't have many pictures of practice, because I was always fully engaged running everything! It was either this practice or the one before that Francisco started to help.

He was a Godsend. Two adults coaching 12 kids is a way better ratio than one adult wrangling 12 kids. Francisco's son, Joel, was newer to the sport, but athletic and one of the better players. 

We hung around and talked for a while after practice. Shane got tired of waiting and climbed a tree in the parking lot.

I'm fuzzy on timing, but I don't remember if today was the day Shane climbed two trees and got stuck in one. Yeah, that happened. 

So far, practices have gone well. We've arrived on time or a little early each time, I learned all the names quickly, and kids stay busy. It feels like we're covering skills and getting better. I've been worried if I'm "good enough," but thrilled with how it's gone so far. 

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