Thursday, March 9, 2023

Spring Soccer 2023 (Summer)

Shane's first soccer practice was today! He's looking forward to meeting new kids and being a heroic goalie for everyone.

I'm the coach. 

There was an email saying "Hey! We need someone!"

I thought and prayed about it, but wasn't sure. I assistant coached some when Shane was much younger. I've watched a lot of practices since then. 

I pulled a Gideon and figured I'd wait to see if SOCA emailed again.

They did. 

I had to drive North to the Polo Grounds one day after work, pick a day and time to practice, email all the parents, etc.

I have to not suck at coaching for 10 practices and 9 games. Help me, Lord, because I can't do that on my own!

Day 1 went well, at least. I'm used to yelling at a bunch of kids.

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