Saturday, March 4, 2023

Kitten (Summer)

It was inevitable: The kitten has moved beyond the bathroom and into the bedroom.

The bathroom is open for all other business.

It started off as Pip's safe spot and he eagerly returned to it (especially if someone went to use it - he's a social guy).

Carrie brought Happy in to the room for an early introduction. The cats can smell Pip through the bedroom door, so they know he's around.

Piper was scared. Happy was curious, but more curious where the food was.

After Happy left, Pip came out from hiding and continued to make merry in my once cat-free sanctuary.

Thankfully, he hasn't set off my allergies. Between the immunotherapy, daily meds, and constant subjection to animal fuzz I've noticed no difference.

Which is good, because Carrie is completely enamored with Pip. He's in the running for being her favorite.

He's in the running for my favorite, as well, if I'm being honest. Pip is a playful little guy.

He's claimed Carrie as his safe spot. He sleep on her and wallows whenever possible.

When Pip isn't running around at full tilt, he'll usually have a paw on Carrie.

The downside of that is all the claw marks decorated Carrie's arm. You can tell Pip isn't trying to be rough. I've been bit by a cat. It hurts. Pip will play bite and grab on, but if react and pull away even a little bit that extra momentum allows claws to sink into skin. 

But that's Carrie's problem. She's the one who's been using her digits as toys! Pip hasn't peed anywhere outside of the cat pot and I'm not sneezing my brains out, so I'm happy to let things ride for now. 

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