Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Super Social Day

Sunday was awesome. We had plans after church, so we had to kill some time, though. Costco had groceries and books!

I let Shane browse and waited until the end to grab colds. 

Then we dropped by Andrew's house for a Youth Group board game party for the MS Boys!

I brought a lot of games for the cause! I knew they were unlikely to be used, but I felt compelled. Part of me was hoping Andrew would be interested and ask all about them! 

It looked like a grand old time. There were kids, there were snacks, and soda (I helped clean up a few spills before heading home!). It was a high energy group, so I wasn't sure how long they'd actually stay outside.

I went home afterward while Shane stayed to play. I saw everyone out on the playground when I arrived to pick him up a couple hours later.

It looked like a game of football or 500. 

Shane wasn't participating. He was trying to hide from me (and them?) on the hill.

I stood there for a while before I called Shane to get his butt off the hill and over to me (We're talking minutes and not seconds).

Shane came back acting bummed. He said people weren't throwing the ball to him. I read it as "I wasn't immediately good and the center of attention, so I got frustrated." I made Shane go back to tell Andrew goodbye and thanks for having him. Andrew yelled he was so glad Shane came and Shane's outlook brightened. 

I talked up that more positive worldview in the car as we headed to our second destination: Dylan's! Hi, Kyrie! Hi, Goldie!

John and Kelly were throwing a family party to celebrate Dylan's birthday. He was in the basement, so Shane ran straight there.

I stayed upstairs with Mason and John where we did some origami and made some paper airplanes.

While the men handled the child care, Kelly was productive with the cake! Apparently it was her mom's church cakewalk winning variety of chocolate.

Meanwhile, the nerds were happily clicking away.

We made them come up when the grandparents arrived and the party was starting!

I took some pictures, but I spent most of the day socializing. I got to hear a lot about local politics. Both John's dad and Kelly's parents were/are involved in their local churches outreach programs. 

The kids went outside to have a nerf war. They were still at it when it was time to grab Shane and head home.

We made a pitstop to appease the Mommy.

Shane and I didn't get home until around 7:30 PM! It was a busy, super-social day! Shane's got the energy to handle that easily. He was still hyped when we got home.

I went straight to the bedroom and gave Carrie her veggie sub. Pip took an immediate interest.

Carrie spent more time protecting her food than eating it!

It was a great day. It wasn't exactly restful with school and the countdown towards Spring Break happening, but it made good memories. Those helped to refresh me and give me a bright enough outlook to face another week of crazy school kids!

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