Carrie dropped Shane off for his "discovery day" today. He's going to be starting daycare soon, since Carrie's new job starts on the 13th.
He loved it.
Carrie said he was excited to see her when she arrived. He ran over, grabbed her hand, and then dragged her around to show her different toys he liked. The day care people said he ate, napped, and got along fine!
A part of me was hoping he'd be a little more attached to Mommy and Daddy! Not likely, ha! The boy is an explorer at heart.
I think this will be good for Shane. I hope he makes a lot of new friends at Day Care and enjoys the new toys, sights, and people a couple of days each week.
I'd like to scope out the center myself one day, but (shock) Shane will normally be there when I'm working! Maybe I'll take a "mental health" day after SOLs...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Busy, Busy
Work doesn't get much busier than this time of year.
There are IEP meetings, addendums, progress reports, goal reports, and teaching all crammed in. On top of that, I have my homebound job and my tutor family asked me to start coming again.
Speaking of my homebound job, it's definitely been interesting. If I had known how much work it was going to be then, I wouldn't have volunteered. It is an experience. Since I signed up, I plan on seeing it through. I should have some stories by the time it's done.
There are IEP meetings, addendums, progress reports, goal reports, and teaching all crammed in. On top of that, I have my homebound job and my tutor family asked me to start coming again.
Speaking of my homebound job, it's definitely been interesting. If I had known how much work it was going to be then, I wouldn't have volunteered. It is an experience. Since I signed up, I plan on seeing it through. I should have some stories by the time it's done.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Igor's Wedding: You Call That a Door?
No, I'm not really that thick. The door makes me look fat!
Igor and Casey chose to get married at a church where only the thin Christians can go to the bathroom!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Igor's Wedding: Finally
Last weekend was Igor and Casey's wedding. It was a great time of support and reunion.
Igor was visibly nervous throughout the service. He held his whole body rigid, but his left hand fidgeted with his suit jacket hem. When it was time to put the ring on his finger, both Igor and Casey blanked on which hand was his left! There was an extra spring in his step as he leaped up to light the unity candle at the end, too!
I consider this a good thing. Wedding vows are not to be taken idly and a little nerve jangling seemed appropriate. Igor has always been a man of his word, and he knew what he was getting in to!
After the wedding, everyone gathered at a country club for the reception. I had not seen many of my friends for months, and even then I normally only see them several times a year. John and I had our first real conversation in years!
It was a great day and a great night. There were fancy restrooms, well-wishes to write, and a few of us made a kick-line on the dance floor! Carrie was enamored with the music selection on the piano. She named every song played until the dinner started (there was "Making Whoopie," "Dance With Me Tonight," and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" to name the few I remember her mentioning!).
Through it all, Shane loved his time at Nana's. Kathleen and Baby Cole were visiting! They actually came out to the church to congratulate Igor and Casey after the service. Unfortunately, they missed the limo as it rolled away!
Carrie and I wish Igor and Casey a long-life and a healthy marriage!
*Update - What's with all the bathroom humor?
Igor was visibly nervous throughout the service. He held his whole body rigid, but his left hand fidgeted with his suit jacket hem. When it was time to put the ring on his finger, both Igor and Casey blanked on which hand was his left! There was an extra spring in his step as he leaped up to light the unity candle at the end, too!
I consider this a good thing. Wedding vows are not to be taken idly and a little nerve jangling seemed appropriate. Igor has always been a man of his word, and he knew what he was getting in to!
After the wedding, everyone gathered at a country club for the reception. I had not seen many of my friends for months, and even then I normally only see them several times a year. John and I had our first real conversation in years!
It was a great day and a great night. There were fancy restrooms, well-wishes to write, and a few of us made a kick-line on the dance floor! Carrie was enamored with the music selection on the piano. She named every song played until the dinner started (there was "Making Whoopie," "Dance With Me Tonight," and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" to name the few I remember her mentioning!).
Through it all, Shane loved his time at Nana's. Kathleen and Baby Cole were visiting! They actually came out to the church to congratulate Igor and Casey after the service. Unfortunately, they missed the limo as it rolled away!
Carrie and I wish Igor and Casey a long-life and a healthy marriage!
*Update - What's with all the bathroom humor?
DNAPWWO (Does Not Always Play Well With Others)
When our family visited Carrie's parent over Spring Break, we took Shane to the local playground. There was another family there with a little girl.
Shane yelled and screamed whenever she came near him. He'd also rage and whine if she tried to touch the same piece of equipment he wanted to use.
Now, I've seen Shane be very kind to Baby Cole. He still asks Nana and Pa about the foster kids, too. I have videos of Shane playing with other kids at the tot lot near our old townhouse.
In isolation, the current pissy-ness would alert the county evaluators who are assessing Shane for pre-school services. When you look at the whole picture, I personally think Shane is acting out and doesn't want to share at all.
The boy is going to have to learn!
Shane will start day care soon, because of Carrie's new job. It should only be part time at first (with help split between Genevieve and Nana and Pop), but I think it will be good for him. We're attending a young families small group to help him get acquainted with more children from our church, as well.
I really want to find some new friends for Shane. I was only a year or so older that Shane is now when I met Bill and Dan's family. My prayer is that Shane will be able to connect with some lifelong friends at some point, but he's going to have to learn to share and play nice for that to happen.
The boy is going to have to learn! What better time than the present to start?
Shane yelled and screamed whenever she came near him. He'd also rage and whine if she tried to touch the same piece of equipment he wanted to use.
Now, I've seen Shane be very kind to Baby Cole. He still asks Nana and Pa about the foster kids, too. I have videos of Shane playing with other kids at the tot lot near our old townhouse.
In isolation, the current pissy-ness would alert the county evaluators who are assessing Shane for pre-school services. When you look at the whole picture, I personally think Shane is acting out and doesn't want to share at all.
The boy is going to have to learn!
Shane will start day care soon, because of Carrie's new job. It should only be part time at first (with help split between Genevieve and Nana and Pop), but I think it will be good for him. We're attending a young families small group to help him get acquainted with more children from our church, as well.
I really want to find some new friends for Shane. I was only a year or so older that Shane is now when I met Bill and Dan's family. My prayer is that Shane will be able to connect with some lifelong friends at some point, but he's going to have to learn to share and play nice for that to happen.
The boy is going to have to learn! What better time than the present to start?
Small Group
My butt is bruised from small group.
I tried to jump over a fence.
Replace "over" with "landed on" and you'll know why.
I swear it was partly the shoes, but my wife says I'm making excuses!
Thursday, my wife and I went to a small group meeting a wee ways west of us. The goal was to meet some more people from our church. Preferably married ones around our age with kids Shane's age. Carrie emailed the leader on Wednesday, heard back Thursday, and after I got home from work we hit up Harris Teeter for chips and dip.
An hour later, I was standing in someone's back yard. Shane was mesmerized by the sand table. He never left it's side willingly once he discovered it. Another dad was throwing a football around with a young boy, and a cast of others were standing around talking and playing.
Toward the end, everyone went inside except Shane, a couple kids, and yours truly. The football sailed over the fence and Carrie came out just in time to watch my failed acrobatics! I'm not as young (or as in shape) as I used to be.
Plus, the shoes were slick and the Dr. Scholl's gel inserts robbed me of some verticality (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!).
It was an interesting night and Carrie and I are planning on going again this week. What I really want is Shane to have more opportunities interacting with kids his age. He doesn't tend to show much interest in them. He will play with (and be kind to) younger kids like Baby Cole. Shane will also shadow larger kids (if he's not afraid of them), but kids his age are either annoying or to be ignored. I'd like him to get more exposure to them.
If Carrie and I make some friends out of this, it'll be a bonus. Most of our friends aren't within an easy Shane-commute, and only one other couple has a child.
It'll be interesting to see how this develops. We jumped right in, because you can't get wet without getting in the pool!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Date Mornings with Carrie
Carrie and I went to the scrap yard for our "date" this morning. We offloaded our old A/C unit and we made out rather well!
I never knew scrap could be this profitable. Our trash paid for breakfast at Wegmans, lunch, gas, dinner, and a small gift (with a joke inside) that Carrie wanted to buy for her mom.
How's that for a productive date?
I never knew scrap could be this profitable. Our trash paid for breakfast at Wegmans, lunch, gas, dinner, and a small gift (with a joke inside) that Carrie wanted to buy for her mom.
How's that for a productive date?
Friday, April 26, 2013
Mush for Brains
Today's one of those days where I had ideas for blogs all day and then my brain goes to mush when I try to type something.
Cop out post!
Cop out post!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Google Earth
Carrie is on Google Earth!
The Google Earth camera car rolled by our townhouse a year ago. Carrie went out to wave "Hello," and now she's online.
The Google Earth camera car rolled by our townhouse a year ago. Carrie went out to wave "Hello," and now she's online.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Victory Sushi!
Carrie accepted a job offer today! WOOOOOO!!!
She ordered her "Victory Sushi" on the ride home. We had discussed going out for a celebration date night, but she couldn't wait. She had to have her Asian Pear Rolls RIGHT AWAY!!
Carrie's new job is as a volunteer coordinator working with a non-profit. She will help recruit and train volunteers to work with inmates to help train and transition them out of the justice system.
I think this will be a great opportunity for my wife. It should be an eye-opener and it's a much shorter commute!
Carrie had a run-in before her interview that probably helped her to get her job. As my wife was filling out her pre-interview questionnaire, a man came into the office. He traded hellos with Carrie and they started a conversation.
The man said, "I'm having a great day!"
"Me too! What made your day great?" Carrie replied
"I got a job!"
The conversation continued and my wife asked the man what his job was. Some of the enthusiasm drained out of him. He looked less confident than before. The man told my wife that he was going to be working for the garbage company hanging off the back of a truck.
The man probably expected to hear something like "a job's or job" or some other general platitude. Not many people think of trash work as glamorous. What my wife did say is something like "I have a son who LOVES garbage trucks! He wakes up every trash day morning excited and craning to look out his window! Just remember when you're riding around on the back of your truck that there are a horde of young boys thrilled to see you!"
Carrie made the man's day. Her genuine response put some wind in the man's sails
The receptionist must have sent word behind the lobby door, because Carrie's ability to speak with people was mentioned in the interview! How's that for a win-win? Carrie got to be light for a moment to a man who probably needed a kind word, and it showed her future employers who she was! That could have totally been a God 'plant.' I'm certainly saying 'thank yous' in my prayers.
I love it when you can look back and see how pieces fall into place in ways you never imagined at the time. Carrie was devastated last week when she was turned down for one job a couple of weeks ago. That job is in the same building as the job she accepted today! She knew where everything was, where to park, how long it would take to get there, and all of the other inconsequentials that can add stress before an interview.
Not only that, but the devastating rejection was a good thing. Carrie was already feeling drained from multiple rejections and then she felt like she had found the job for her only to be rejected by it, too. Carrie is going to be able to empathize with her new clientele on a level she would not have before.
Did I mention the new job is a shorter commute? Shane will be thankful.
Speaking of Shane, we're going to have to get him into a day-care soon. Carrie starts her new job on May 13th. This new job is going to make for a lot of changes. Gaston was thankful! He's ready to retire now that Carrie's moved on, too.
TL;DR: Carrie got a job and we're thrilled! WOOOO!
She ordered her "Victory Sushi" on the ride home. We had discussed going out for a celebration date night, but she couldn't wait. She had to have her Asian Pear Rolls RIGHT AWAY!!
Carrie's new job is as a volunteer coordinator working with a non-profit. She will help recruit and train volunteers to work with inmates to help train and transition them out of the justice system.
I think this will be a great opportunity for my wife. It should be an eye-opener and it's a much shorter commute!
Carrie had a run-in before her interview that probably helped her to get her job. As my wife was filling out her pre-interview questionnaire, a man came into the office. He traded hellos with Carrie and they started a conversation.
The man said, "I'm having a great day!"
"Me too! What made your day great?" Carrie replied
"I got a job!"
The conversation continued and my wife asked the man what his job was. Some of the enthusiasm drained out of him. He looked less confident than before. The man told my wife that he was going to be working for the garbage company hanging off the back of a truck.
The man probably expected to hear something like "a job's or job" or some other general platitude. Not many people think of trash work as glamorous. What my wife did say is something like "I have a son who LOVES garbage trucks! He wakes up every trash day morning excited and craning to look out his window! Just remember when you're riding around on the back of your truck that there are a horde of young boys thrilled to see you!"
Carrie made the man's day. Her genuine response put some wind in the man's sails
The receptionist must have sent word behind the lobby door, because Carrie's ability to speak with people was mentioned in the interview! How's that for a win-win? Carrie got to be light for a moment to a man who probably needed a kind word, and it showed her future employers who she was! That could have totally been a God 'plant.' I'm certainly saying 'thank yous' in my prayers.
I love it when you can look back and see how pieces fall into place in ways you never imagined at the time. Carrie was devastated last week when she was turned down for one job a couple of weeks ago. That job is in the same building as the job she accepted today! She knew where everything was, where to park, how long it would take to get there, and all of the other inconsequentials that can add stress before an interview.
Not only that, but the devastating rejection was a good thing. Carrie was already feeling drained from multiple rejections and then she felt like she had found the job for her only to be rejected by it, too. Carrie is going to be able to empathize with her new clientele on a level she would not have before.
Did I mention the new job is a shorter commute? Shane will be thankful.
Speaking of Shane, we're going to have to get him into a day-care soon. Carrie starts her new job on May 13th. This new job is going to make for a lot of changes. Gaston was thankful! He's ready to retire now that Carrie's moved on, too.
TL;DR: Carrie got a job and we're thrilled! WOOOO!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Igor's Wedding: Signing In
Weddings always have something to sign, and Igor and Casey's wedding was no different.
The problem was writing something funny with at least a semblance of class and sentiment.
I've known Igor for 18 years; there are too many jokes and memories I could reference! At least half of them aren't really wedding appropriate!! We met in middle school. The following decade was not the most politically correct or intelligent years of our lives!
The other problem was the joke barrier. Everyone else who had signed Igor and Casey's wedding memories photo had been utterly serious and unimaginative.
You know... "Congratulations" or "We're so happy for you!" blah blah blah. It's the nicey-nice standard "I don't have anything unique to say" and is nothing more than a handwriting sample and an attendance mark when someone examines their photo ten years later.
I wanted to do something more.
Igor told Carrie he was sure I'd be the first to break the joke barrier, but perhaps he overestimated me.
Or at least he underestimated my wife!
While we were talking and waiting for dinner, Carrie's face lit up. "I've got it!" she exclaimed and dragged me away to the photo. She told me her idea and I couldn't keep a straight face.
Carrie decided to reference The Most Interesting Man in the World commercials.
"I don't always sign these things, but when I do I say 'Congratulations!'"
Mike and Carrie Stay thirsty our friends
Yet another reason I love my wife.
The problem was writing something funny with at least a semblance of class and sentiment.
I've known Igor for 18 years; there are too many jokes and memories I could reference! At least half of them aren't really wedding appropriate!! We met in middle school. The following decade was not the most politically correct or intelligent years of our lives!
The other problem was the joke barrier. Everyone else who had signed Igor and Casey's wedding memories photo had been utterly serious and unimaginative.
You know... "Congratulations" or "We're so happy for you!" blah blah blah. It's the nicey-nice standard "I don't have anything unique to say" and is nothing more than a handwriting sample and an attendance mark when someone examines their photo ten years later.
I wanted to do something more.
Igor told Carrie he was sure I'd be the first to break the joke barrier, but perhaps he overestimated me.
Or at least he underestimated my wife!
While we were talking and waiting for dinner, Carrie's face lit up. "I've got it!" she exclaimed and dragged me away to the photo. She told me her idea and I couldn't keep a straight face.
Carrie decided to reference The Most Interesting Man in the World commercials.
"I don't always sign these things, but when I do I say 'Congratulations!'"
Mike and Carrie Stay thirsty our friends
Yet another reason I love my wife.
Monday, April 22, 2013
It's only day three of my new 'job' and things have already taken a turn for the 'interesting.'
Day 1: The student was mostly silent, but worked.
Day 2: The first hour went well, but then the student had to write a poem. Thirty minutes of passive aggressive silence later, I called it quits.
Day 3: When I arrived, the student said "I'm not going to do anything." I asked him if he wanted me to leave and my only answer was silence and a small shrug. The lack of the answer gave me some hope, so I tried to calmly talk with the student. Mostly, it was me saying something briefly and then pausing for close to a minute for a reaction.
Or it would've been if the student's mom had not started yelling, screaming, and calling what I assume was the boy's father to say "I can't do this anymore! TAKE HIM!"
It felt like I was watching an old battle with the same players all start up. My official responsibility was done at "I'm not going to do anything," but I hung around a little longer out of hope I could make a difference in some manner (call it the "Christian" responsibility).
Unfortunately, I had no clue and still don't.
With all the yelling, I tried to be the calm one. If I had thrown any more fire into the situation it could've blown. I felt more like a clam witness than I was making any difference, though. It could be that both sides were acting out, because I was there. It could be that battles like that are common place in that household. The only thing I could think of left was to excuse myself and hope that took away part of the catalyst.
And that's only what I've typed.
I felt sad for everyone involved. I feel sorry for the kid growing up how he has. I feel sorry for the mom as well, because she must know on some level how bad things have gotten. It would explain why she's so angry in general.
I'm supposed to go back tomorrow, but the mom said to "Call first, because he may not be here!"
We'll see tomorrow.
Day 1: The student was mostly silent, but worked.
Day 2: The first hour went well, but then the student had to write a poem. Thirty minutes of passive aggressive silence later, I called it quits.
Day 3: When I arrived, the student said "I'm not going to do anything." I asked him if he wanted me to leave and my only answer was silence and a small shrug. The lack of the answer gave me some hope, so I tried to calmly talk with the student. Mostly, it was me saying something briefly and then pausing for close to a minute for a reaction.
Or it would've been if the student's mom had not started yelling, screaming, and calling what I assume was the boy's father to say "I can't do this anymore! TAKE HIM!"
It felt like I was watching an old battle with the same players all start up. My official responsibility was done at "I'm not going to do anything," but I hung around a little longer out of hope I could make a difference in some manner (call it the "Christian" responsibility).
Unfortunately, I had no clue and still don't.
With all the yelling, I tried to be the calm one. If I had thrown any more fire into the situation it could've blown. I felt more like a clam witness than I was making any difference, though. It could be that both sides were acting out, because I was there. It could be that battles like that are common place in that household. The only thing I could think of left was to excuse myself and hope that took away part of the catalyst.
And that's only what I've typed.
I felt sad for everyone involved. I feel sorry for the kid growing up how he has. I feel sorry for the mom as well, because she must know on some level how bad things have gotten. It would explain why she's so angry in general.
I'm supposed to go back tomorrow, but the mom said to "Call first, because he may not be here!"
We'll see tomorrow.
The Job Hunt Continues
Last week, my wife sent me a discouraged email. She had gone in all guns blazing for an interview, done well, and then no one bothered to call her references. Gaston was stunned, too.
It's not an easy job market out there in the non-profit, conservation, and/or volunteer program market.
I told my wife not to give up, but not to forget how tough it can be. You never know when someone else we know will be in the same situation and Carrie will be able to say "I understand what you're going through."
Thankfully, the interviews picked up again! My wife even drove all the way down to Richmond today for one! She's got a few more still to come this week. We had to scramble for child-care for one interview tomorrow.
Time is ticking on Carrie's job. Her boss has pushed off retiring for a little longer. We suspect it's partly to make sure Carrie gets a job before he goes. Gaston is that kind of a boss (and that's another reason why we love him).
I threw my own resume back into the technology specialist hunt at a few schools. I realized too late that I didn't update one of my reference's phone numbers! No one has contacted me yet, so it's probably not going to matter. I'm not seeing the same number of openings to apply to as last year, but I plan to apply to anything in a reasonable driving distance. I'm in a better situation than Carrie, because I am fine with staying at my current school another year. There may be some drama around the corner, but in my seven years I've learned that schools breed drama.
Anyway, I'm praying that the right job finds my wife! They'll be lucky to have her.
It's not an easy job market out there in the non-profit, conservation, and/or volunteer program market.
I told my wife not to give up, but not to forget how tough it can be. You never know when someone else we know will be in the same situation and Carrie will be able to say "I understand what you're going through."
Thankfully, the interviews picked up again! My wife even drove all the way down to Richmond today for one! She's got a few more still to come this week. We had to scramble for child-care for one interview tomorrow.
Time is ticking on Carrie's job. Her boss has pushed off retiring for a little longer. We suspect it's partly to make sure Carrie gets a job before he goes. Gaston is that kind of a boss (and that's another reason why we love him).
I threw my own resume back into the technology specialist hunt at a few schools. I realized too late that I didn't update one of my reference's phone numbers! No one has contacted me yet, so it's probably not going to matter. I'm not seeing the same number of openings to apply to as last year, but I plan to apply to anything in a reasonable driving distance. I'm in a better situation than Carrie, because I am fine with staying at my current school another year. There may be some drama around the corner, but in my seven years I've learned that schools breed drama.
Anyway, I'm praying that the right job finds my wife! They'll be lucky to have her.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Igor's Wedding: A Posh Place
![]() |
The suit jacket hook was a classy, too! |
Why is it that 'posh' and 'culture' seem to equate with 'inconvenience by design' and 'planned inefficiency?'
I was impressed by the wooden bathroom stalls.
Wood stalls!
I made it my mission to make a least one trip during the reception. I can't say the porcelain was of the same quality, but the automatic flushing was nice touch.
*Steam Achievement Unlocked: A Throne Fit For Royalty!*
Igor's Wedding: Jordan Almonds
Jordan Almonds are "one of the grossest wedding traditions ever" according to my wife.
Bill, Carrie, and I all played 'hot potato' and kept trying to drop the gift boxes of them off on someone else.
I eventually tired of the game, but Bill kept trying to sneak them onto Carrie's plate all night! At one point, I pretended to drop one in Bill's champagne flute. We laughed, and then Carrie dropped one straight into mine.
There was a a moment of paused silence until everyone started laughing.
The gross thing: the damn thing made the champagne fizzle and turn white and froth the rest of the night.
I don't like champagne, but the toasts tasted extra off that night! Most people would poor it out, but I've never been one to let a joke die (plus, I may have been trying to make my wife feel a little guilty for poisoning my flute when I was trying to come to her rescue!)
It was a fun and silly night.
Bill, Carrie, and I all played 'hot potato' and kept trying to drop the gift boxes of them off on someone else.
I eventually tired of the game, but Bill kept trying to sneak them onto Carrie's plate all night! At one point, I pretended to drop one in Bill's champagne flute. We laughed, and then Carrie dropped one straight into mine.
There was a a moment of paused silence until everyone started laughing.
The gross thing: the damn thing made the champagne fizzle and turn white and froth the rest of the night.
I don't like champagne, but the toasts tasted extra off that night! Most people would poor it out, but I've never been one to let a joke die (plus, I may have been trying to make my wife feel a little guilty for poisoning my flute when I was trying to come to her rescue!)
It was a fun and silly night.
One day, I caught him trying to poop behind our neighbor's truck, our shed, and in a closet. Each time I pulled him out, he decided he really didn't have to go after all.
Shane would rather hold out than poop in a toilet.
This can cause a build-up.
It'd be great to get that build-up in a toilet, but it's not happening when Shane would rather hold out than poop in a toilet.
After a couple of days, you allow the boy to run around the corner and grunt. I want the kid potty trained, but I don't want him to explode before we get there.
Today was a "let Shane clear himself out before he stops himself up too badly" day.
My son dropped a deuce so hard I'm surprised both of his legs are still attached. If he had tried to poop in his baby toilet he would have filled the bowl.
I've seen a lot of poop as a parent, but today's load was big enough to warrant a write-up.
Poop jokes haven't lost their flavor, but it will be nice when flushing is the extent of clean-up I have to do!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Changing Priorities
I talked to Pop-Pop on the phone today. Nana and Jama were napping before it was time to deliver food to the homeless along the Route 1 corridor. We chatted about my son, and tried to work out some logistics. Shane is going to be visiting tomorrow, so that Carrie and I can attend Igor and Casey's wedding.
Pop-Pop isn't going to be there.
"By this time tomorrow, I hope to be scrubbing a toilet in Seattle," Pop-pop said.
Pop-Pop is flying out to Seattle to visit a relative with Alzheimer's who may not even remember he exists. While there, he is going to clean up the relative's apartment even if he has to pose as the "cleaning guy." If Pop-Pop doesn't go out there, this relative could lose his apartment and end up on the streets or who knows where.
How's that for a servant's priorities?
Pop-Pop isn't going to be there.
"By this time tomorrow, I hope to be scrubbing a toilet in Seattle," Pop-pop said.
Pop-Pop is flying out to Seattle to visit a relative with Alzheimer's who may not even remember he exists. While there, he is going to clean up the relative's apartment even if he has to pose as the "cleaning guy." If Pop-Pop doesn't go out there, this relative could lose his apartment and end up on the streets or who knows where.
How's that for a servant's priorities?
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Inbox Delights!
Carrie had an interview today. Nana, Pop-Pop, and Jama came to the Shane-care rescue.
To keep Shane out of a car seat they came to our house to play.
This is the email from Nana that found it's way into my inbox later:
"We had a wonderful time at your house today playing with Shane and then took him for a delicious lunch at Chick-Fil-A. After he finished eating, I took him to play in the climbing fort there. I cheered for him each time he went down the slide.
After some while, Shane went up high and refused to come down. I should have been suspicious when the other kids evacuated the climbing fort.
Pop-Pop came in and said we're going to be late, that Carrie wanted Shane back home in bed by the time of her phone interview at 1:30. Pop-Pop tried to talk Shane down, but he still would not come.
We became suspicious.
I yelled up, "Shane, you are NOT pooping... are you?"
As I climbed up to get him, the awful poop smell got stronger and stronger. No wonder the other kids left!
I wished I hadn't stopped Pop-Pop from getting a spare pull-up before we left! There was NO way I wanted Shane in the van smelling like that. So I took him to the bathroom to clean the poop off his butt with a bunch of wet napkins and wet paper towels.
Both stalls were occupied and I didn't see a changing table, so I proceeded to clean him up in the standing up position. Never try that at home. He is a moving target!
Imagine my surprise when we got in the van to drive him home and I noticed poop on the front of my shirt, my jacket and pants!
Always empathetic, Pop-Pop said, "At least I didn't get poop on MY clothes" and "I wonder if she got it in her hair?" Did I mentioned that I took a bath, washed my hair and put on clean clothes before Pop-Pop, Jama and I came over to play with Shane?
We still had a GREAT time, though.
I love hearing Shane stories from other people. There's also a since of pride whenever people smile and laugh about my boy's antics (and when he gets poop on Nana apparently).
I guess Shane believes he owns Chick-Fil-A's program now that he's marked it!
To keep Shane out of a car seat they came to our house to play.
This is the email from Nana that found it's way into my inbox later:
"We had a wonderful time at your house today playing with Shane and then took him for a delicious lunch at Chick-Fil-A. After he finished eating, I took him to play in the climbing fort there. I cheered for him each time he went down the slide.
After some while, Shane went up high and refused to come down. I should have been suspicious when the other kids evacuated the climbing fort.
Pop-Pop came in and said we're going to be late, that Carrie wanted Shane back home in bed by the time of her phone interview at 1:30. Pop-Pop tried to talk Shane down, but he still would not come.
We became suspicious.
I yelled up, "Shane, you are NOT pooping... are you?"
As I climbed up to get him, the awful poop smell got stronger and stronger. No wonder the other kids left!
I wished I hadn't stopped Pop-Pop from getting a spare pull-up before we left! There was NO way I wanted Shane in the van smelling like that. So I took him to the bathroom to clean the poop off his butt with a bunch of wet napkins and wet paper towels.
Both stalls were occupied and I didn't see a changing table, so I proceeded to clean him up in the standing up position. Never try that at home. He is a moving target!
Imagine my surprise when we got in the van to drive him home and I noticed poop on the front of my shirt, my jacket and pants!
Always empathetic, Pop-Pop said, "At least I didn't get poop on MY clothes" and "I wonder if she got it in her hair?" Did I mentioned that I took a bath, washed my hair and put on clean clothes before Pop-Pop, Jama and I came over to play with Shane?
We still had a GREAT time, though.
I love hearing Shane stories from other people. There's also a since of pride whenever people smile and laugh about my boy's antics (and when he gets poop on Nana apparently).
I guess Shane believes he owns Chick-Fil-A's program now that he's marked it!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Oh, the Things That Parents Can Get in Their In-boxes!
Carrie McCrory
To Me
HUGE poop! Spent and hour and a
half outside.
Sent from my iPhone, please excuse
any typos!
To Carrie
This email HAS to go in the blog.
It happened in a flurry.
My boss sent out an email asking if anyone wanted to work with a student for three hours a week. Carrie's been worried about her job status and my night classes ended, so I mentioned I was interested.
Next thing I knew, I was hired.
I'm going to be a homebound teacher for a student. The student is going through the expulsion process which is an odd bit of symmetry with how my teaching career started: working with expelled children.
All the paperwork was forwarded to me by the end of the day and I was told to call the parent immediately. I skimmed the 'handbook' and set up a time to meet with the family tomorrow.
It's weird how instant everything has been.
Dramatic reenactment
Dept Chair: "Anyone interested?"
Me: "Maybe."
Dept. Chair: "Mike'll do it!"
Homebound Office: "He's hired! Call us."
Me: "Hello?"
Homebound Office: "Call the parent and get me your time sheet by the end of the week."
....and that's about how it went. The social worker managing the case emailed me saying "We need to talk," so I hope we do before I show up on their front door. I don't want to walk into a minefield unknowingly.
The job is more rigorous than the "three hours a week" advertised. I'm supposed to schedule 2.5 hours per core subject. That's 10 hours per week. I don't know if this student (or I) can handle a three hour session, so how this will work remains to be seen.
It should be a nice supplement to my income for the next two to four weeks. Whether it will be worth all of the effort and paperwork remains to be seen.
I'm looking forward to it. It's something new and you have to grow to really live.
My boss sent out an email asking if anyone wanted to work with a student for three hours a week. Carrie's been worried about her job status and my night classes ended, so I mentioned I was interested.
Next thing I knew, I was hired.
I'm going to be a homebound teacher for a student. The student is going through the expulsion process which is an odd bit of symmetry with how my teaching career started: working with expelled children.
All the paperwork was forwarded to me by the end of the day and I was told to call the parent immediately. I skimmed the 'handbook' and set up a time to meet with the family tomorrow.
It's weird how instant everything has been.
Dramatic reenactment
Dept Chair: "Anyone interested?"
Me: "Maybe."
Dept. Chair: "Mike'll do it!"
Homebound Office: "He's hired! Call us."
Me: "Hello?"
Homebound Office: "Call the parent and get me your time sheet by the end of the week."
....and that's about how it went. The social worker managing the case emailed me saying "We need to talk," so I hope we do before I show up on their front door. I don't want to walk into a minefield unknowingly.
The job is more rigorous than the "three hours a week" advertised. I'm supposed to schedule 2.5 hours per core subject. That's 10 hours per week. I don't know if this student (or I) can handle a three hour session, so how this will work remains to be seen.
It should be a nice supplement to my income for the next two to four weeks. Whether it will be worth all of the effort and paperwork remains to be seen.
I'm looking forward to it. It's something new and you have to grow to really live.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Aunt Kathleen had some great pictures on her Facebook page. I loved them so much, I copied them here!
Here you can see Shane playing nicely with Baby Cole! Hooray for cousins!
They See Me Mowing...
Teacher workdays are almost like a holiday.
I wake up, and I do work.
I can do all of the annoying things that are part of teaching, but don't really effect teaching. I hung posters, did paperwork, and filed paperwork well past my heart's content.
I put it in a full day, but without kids staying after school for help I got to go home and mow! My how my priorities in life have changed.
Our yard is a bit of a mess right now.
The yard is approximately 1/4 grass, 1/4 random weeds (like dandelions), 1/4 purple dead nettle, and 1/4 mint.
The mint makes for an interesting aroma while mowing.
Carrie drove the truck home from her parents Sunday. The back was full of shrubs and other bits of flora Gardner Granny designated for our lawn. Carrie wants to dig out some of the raised beds and has lots of ideas from when we visited the garden 'farm.'
I wake up, and I do work.
I can do all of the annoying things that are part of teaching, but don't really effect teaching. I hung posters, did paperwork, and filed paperwork well past my heart's content.
I put it in a full day, but without kids staying after school for help I got to go home and mow! My how my priorities in life have changed.
Our yard is a bit of a mess right now.
The yard is approximately 1/4 grass, 1/4 random weeds (like dandelions), 1/4 purple dead nettle, and 1/4 mint.
The mint makes for an interesting aroma while mowing.
Carrie drove the truck home from her parents Sunday. The back was full of shrubs and other bits of flora Gardner Granny designated for our lawn. Carrie wants to dig out some of the raised beds and has lots of ideas from when we visited the garden 'farm.'
Standing Up
Shane is morally opposed to books standing up in front of their human owners.
You can see exactly how high Shane can reach.
If I try to fix the shelves, Shane re-'fixes' them.
It's a strange fixation!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Found This on Carrie's Youtube Account
Pure nostalgia.
Hands On
I snapped this pic on my phone, so I figured I'd share it.
Last Friday, my family (Carrie, Shane, and I) went to a huge plants and yard 'store.' Maybe 3% of it was indoors. The facility sprawled out in every direction from the parking lot and was filled with trees, shrubs, crops, and huge piles of mulch and rocks. There was even a derelict house (or two!).
Shane loved shoving his hands in all of the water fountains and chasing the Bobcats and Forklifts loading plants and materials.
The great outdoors + heavy equipment = one very happy Shane!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Another Reason I Love My Wife
It takes a special kind of woman to tolera....LOVE me!
When we arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend, the grandparents were rushing to get ready for a progressive dinner party.
I admit it: I had no idea what that meant. My wife enlightened me.
A progressive dinner party involves meeting at one house for appetizers, another for the main course, and then a final house for desert. It's like a neighborhood bar crawl.
Carrie's parents were the appetizer house. There were 14 guests inbound in less than two hours time when Carrie, Shane, and I arrived.
Grandma was thrilled to see Carrie. My wife immediately pitched in and soon Grandma and Grandpa's house was looking even more museum clean and fancy than it normally does! Shane and I played outside to limit damage from the McCruari blood side of things.
What I haven't mentioned yet, was my wife's cunning, super-secret, and oh-so-hilarious master plan.
When we arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend, the grandparents were rushing to get ready for a progressive dinner party.
I admit it: I had no idea what that meant. My wife enlightened me.
A progressive dinner party involves meeting at one house for appetizers, another for the main course, and then a final house for desert. It's like a neighborhood bar crawl.
Carrie's parents were the appetizer house. There were 14 guests inbound in less than two hours time when Carrie, Shane, and I arrived.
Grandma was thrilled to see Carrie. My wife immediately pitched in and soon Grandma and Grandpa's house was looking even more museum clean and fancy than it normally does! Shane and I played outside to limit damage from the McCruari blood side of things.
What I haven't mentioned yet, was my wife's cunning, super-secret, and oh-so-hilarious master plan.
I brought some star-shaped post-it notes home from work. Carrie found them and started sticking them all over the house and the singing ensued!
Train Picture
Shane still loves trains!
Mommy took this picture, because she was the first parent to successfully use every single track piece at once.
It's a much bigger feat than you think. Shane likes to "help."
Saturday, April 13, 2013
My Reward
When we go to visit Carrie's parents, I get Wawa.
That's the rule.
Wawa is on my short list of "Franchises I Would Love to Own."
If you don't know what Wawa is: it is a gas station done right. The gas was 40 cents a gallon cheaper than where I live and the food is awesome for the price.
Today, Carrie ordered a foot long sandwich with: ham, pepperoni, salami, horseradish sauce, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, roasted peppers, salt, and pepper. I was very sad that I had to split it with my wife (Yes, I love her THAT much!).
They also have great coffee. Carrie and I own four coffee mugs from them. The price of their specialty coffees drop from $3 to $1.10 if you have a mug. There is one iced coffee that tastes like liquid girl scout cookies.
Thin mint.
I normally don't sugar my coffee, but Carrie buys me a Mocha-Mint every time we fill up on the way down to her parents. I'm conditioned to expect it.
Today, the car was shining a bright "LOW FUEL!" warning sign, but we pressed on until we hit our WaWa waypoint.
When I like something, I really like it. WaWa is on that list.
It's probably a good thing there aren't any close to me or I could overdose and burn out on it.
That's the rule.
Wawa is on my short list of "Franchises I Would Love to Own."
If you don't know what Wawa is: it is a gas station done right. The gas was 40 cents a gallon cheaper than where I live and the food is awesome for the price.
Today, Carrie ordered a foot long sandwich with: ham, pepperoni, salami, horseradish sauce, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, roasted peppers, salt, and pepper. I was very sad that I had to split it with my wife (Yes, I love her THAT much!).
They also have great coffee. Carrie and I own four coffee mugs from them. The price of their specialty coffees drop from $3 to $1.10 if you have a mug. There is one iced coffee that tastes like liquid girl scout cookies.
Thin mint.
I normally don't sugar my coffee, but Carrie buys me a Mocha-Mint every time we fill up on the way down to her parents. I'm conditioned to expect it.
Today, the car was shining a bright "LOW FUEL!" warning sign, but we pressed on until we hit our WaWa waypoint.
When I like something, I really like it. WaWa is on that list.
It's probably a good thing there aren't any close to me or I could overdose and burn out on it.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
A Singing Boy
Shane must love the sound of his own voice.
He sings constantly.
At first, it was only "The Wheels on the Bus." Since then he's learned classics like "Row, Row, Your Boat," "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."
He sings when playing, when running, and when reading. What impresses me is when he adapts. Shane will be pushing around one of his toy garbage trucks and start singing "The wheels on the garbage truck go round and round..."
I'll catch him on video one of these days!
He sings constantly.
At first, it was only "The Wheels on the Bus." Since then he's learned classics like "Row, Row, Your Boat," "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."
He sings when playing, when running, and when reading. What impresses me is when he adapts. Shane will be pushing around one of his toy garbage trucks and start singing "The wheels on the garbage truck go round and round..."
I'll catch him on video one of these days!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Classic Shane Tale and a Revisit
When Shane was a baby, he loved to be surprised.
Weird. A baby who wanted to be scared? Popping up and roaring was something that equated to a baby crying and screaming in my mind before Shane.
He used to get a kick out of it, though. It was one of the easiest ways to get him to smile!
One time, Carrie and I were at Christ Church visiting my family. Shane was probably a little over a year old. He was thoroughly enjoying exploring the stage in the worship center while I played with him. I crawled along the edge of the stage and jumped up!
Shane smiled and laughed, but the other little boy didn't.
My eyes tracked from Shane's smile to the little boy's shock. He started to cry a second later.
Shane kept smiling!
In my defense, the little boy was at least 10 feet away and to the left. I was surprised that he was surprised!
I was also proud of my fearless little monster!
That was then.
On Sunday, I found out things had changed.
Shane, Carrie and I were all in his room. My son had just woken up from his nap. Carrie and Shane were playing/reading books in his bed. I was on the floor next to the bed.
Shane knew I was on the ground, but out of sight. He had asked "Daddy go away?" so I hid. The boy kept sticking his feet over the edge of the bed, though. I'd reach up, grab them and say "Got your toes!"
There was a gap in our play, and Shane must have forgotten I was still in the room. A couple of minutes later, I heard him ask Carrie "Daddy walk?"
I took it as my cue to pop up.
Shane freaked.
He started bawling and thrashing. It took Carrie and I a couple of minutes to calm him down.
I felt sooooo guilty.
I tried to rationalize things out in my favor. "Shane knew I was there! I was just grabbing his toes!" and "Remember the story at Christ Church where Shane was giggling whenever I surprised him? The other little boy cried, but Shane loved it!"
The reality is: Shane does NOT like to be surprised anymore.
I've said it before: Whenever you think you know your child's routine, it's already changing.
Change is constant with the little ones. What works one days, fails the next, and it may work again two weeks later! Parenting can be like a constant pop quiz where the rules change as you take it. One day you're on the ball, and the next you're scratching your head and taking your best guess!
Weird. A baby who wanted to be scared? Popping up and roaring was something that equated to a baby crying and screaming in my mind before Shane.
He used to get a kick out of it, though. It was one of the easiest ways to get him to smile!
One time, Carrie and I were at Christ Church visiting my family. Shane was probably a little over a year old. He was thoroughly enjoying exploring the stage in the worship center while I played with him. I crawled along the edge of the stage and jumped up!
Shane smiled and laughed, but the other little boy didn't.
My eyes tracked from Shane's smile to the little boy's shock. He started to cry a second later.
Shane kept smiling!
In my defense, the little boy was at least 10 feet away and to the left. I was surprised that he was surprised!
I was also proud of my fearless little monster!
That was then.
On Sunday, I found out things had changed.
Shane, Carrie and I were all in his room. My son had just woken up from his nap. Carrie and Shane were playing/reading books in his bed. I was on the floor next to the bed.
Shane knew I was on the ground, but out of sight. He had asked "Daddy go away?" so I hid. The boy kept sticking his feet over the edge of the bed, though. I'd reach up, grab them and say "Got your toes!"
There was a gap in our play, and Shane must have forgotten I was still in the room. A couple of minutes later, I heard him ask Carrie "Daddy walk?"
I took it as my cue to pop up.
Shane freaked.
He started bawling and thrashing. It took Carrie and I a couple of minutes to calm him down.
I felt sooooo guilty.
I tried to rationalize things out in my favor. "Shane knew I was there! I was just grabbing his toes!" and "Remember the story at Christ Church where Shane was giggling whenever I surprised him? The other little boy cried, but Shane loved it!"
The reality is: Shane does NOT like to be surprised anymore.
I've said it before: Whenever you think you know your child's routine, it's already changing.
Change is constant with the little ones. What works one days, fails the next, and it may work again two weeks later! Parenting can be like a constant pop quiz where the rules change as you take it. One day you're on the ball, and the next you're scratching your head and taking your best guess!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Curse of the Red-Haired Irish
I mowed the lawn on Sunday. It took an hour and I got a sunburn.
It's the curse of the red-hair.
The sun scalds me through clouds.
It wasn't a really bad sunburn this time. It's only the start of spring! My face turned a little pink, and I could feel it across my forehead.
To celebrate: Shane made me run outside again for several more hours.
Thankfully, he seems to have inherited his mother's skin. He loves the outdoors. We're going to be spending a lot of time outside and I hope my skin can take it!
It's the curse of the red-hair.
The sun scalds me through clouds.
It wasn't a really bad sunburn this time. It's only the start of spring! My face turned a little pink, and I could feel it across my forehead.
To celebrate: Shane made me run outside again for several more hours.
Thankfully, he seems to have inherited his mother's skin. He loves the outdoors. We're going to be spending a lot of time outside and I hope my skin can take it!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Kids Repeat Everything...
Shane's at the age where he hears only what he wants to hear and it's never what you want him to hear.
Max was walking around Shane with her tail in the upright, announcing-her-presence position. She was a little too relaxed for being in a toddler's reach.
Max turned her back to Shane, perhaps expecting one of her humans to pet her.
Shane reached out one of his hands, but it wasn't to pet. He had noticed a less furry spot that piqued his interest. My son extended his index finger and moved in.
I barely pulled him away in time.
"No touch kitty butt! YUCK!" I said.
Max kept twirling around, oblivious to the discomfort that had almost been.
"Kitty butt? Kitty BUTT!" Shane laughed and pointed. "KITTY BUTT?"
Another pair of words to add to Shane's vocabulary.
Max was walking around Shane with her tail in the upright, announcing-her-presence position. She was a little too relaxed for being in a toddler's reach.
Max turned her back to Shane, perhaps expecting one of her humans to pet her.
Shane reached out one of his hands, but it wasn't to pet. He had noticed a less furry spot that piqued his interest. My son extended his index finger and moved in.
I barely pulled him away in time.
"No touch kitty butt! YUCK!" I said.
Max kept twirling around, oblivious to the discomfort that had almost been.
"Kitty butt? Kitty BUTT!" Shane laughed and pointed. "KITTY BUTT?"
Another pair of words to add to Shane's vocabulary.
Benefits of Teaching
No one ever suspects the teacher of cutting one loose.
Plus, we can move around the classroom freely to disperse the smell and blame.
Sharing is caring.
Plus, we can move around the classroom freely to disperse the smell and blame.
Sharing is caring.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Animal for Animal Crackers
I swear companies put something in their kid food...
...and whatever that "something" is it's highly addictive.
Carrie bought these animal crackers from CostCo on Monday. There were 64 servings in it when we started. There's something about the subtle-sweet vanilla taste of these where I find I'm always grabbing another handful.
I took some down to Dan yesterday and he wouldn't let me put the cap back on. "Mike, you bastard, give me some more!"
Like I said, highly addictive and oh so good.
...and whatever that "something" is it's highly addictive.
Carrie bought these animal crackers from CostCo on Monday. There were 64 servings in it when we started. There's something about the subtle-sweet vanilla taste of these where I find I'm always grabbing another handful.
I took some down to Dan yesterday and he wouldn't let me put the cap back on. "Mike, you bastard, give me some more!"
Like I said, highly addictive and oh so good.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Shane's New Do
"It's about time!" Nana said.
"His hair! Did you make him a skinhead?" Grandma said.
Yes, they're talking about my son's haircut!
Nana likes boys with short hair.

Grandma likes boys with longer hair.
You can't keep everyone happy!
For Carrie and I, we just don't like giving Shane haircuts. When we do cut his hair, we cut it short. When the hair is curling into his ears, we cut it again. Hopefully there has been a large amount of time in between.
Shane's cute no matter what style of hair he wears.
"His hair! Did you make him a skinhead?" Grandma said.
Yes, they're talking about my son's haircut!
Nana likes boys with short hair.

Grandma likes boys with longer hair.
You can't keep everyone happy!
For Carrie and I, we just don't like giving Shane haircuts. When we do cut his hair, we cut it short. When the hair is curling into his ears, we cut it again. Hopefully there has been a large amount of time in between.
Shane's cute no matter what style of hair he wears.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Busy Day for Mommy and Shane!
My wife is recovering nicely from surgery, but I didn't know she was ready for THIS:
You are AWESOME!
Love you!
On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Carrie wrote:
To top it off, I came home to find out Carrie cut Shane's hair and cleaned up the resulting mess. I was completely surprised.
I told Carrie that she's supposed to be taking it easy. My wife smiled and said "I've got to pull my weight around here!"
It's good to be married to a hard-working woman!
Thats pretty funny. Shane and I went to the N Zone and did the $2 go and play with all the toys and balls and bouncy house thing for him, while I did about 45 min of bible reading. Then I did some small stuff for work. We were there for about an hour total. Then I took him to costco. Got milk, gummy vitamins for him, goldfish, mickey mouse animal crackers, strawberries, caprisuns for him, and bagels for you. Just had lunch (chicken and crackers) and put him down for a nap. We've used the "potty" three times already. No poop though. The size 4 pullups (trying to use them) are tight on him, he can't easily pull them up and down, it's even hard for me a little. The pull ups are the same price (unit price per diaper) as his diapers through the subscribe and save, so I altered the order and we'll now be getting the size 5 pullups instead of regular diapers.
Busy morning, hope you've had a great day at work. We love you.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 9:58 am
Subject: Jurassic Park
HahahaMaybe we'll have to visit Australia.
I hope Shane's being good for you! I love you!-Mike
To top it off, I came home to find out Carrie cut Shane's hair and cleaned up the resulting mess. I was completely surprised.
I told Carrie that she's supposed to be taking it easy. My wife smiled and said "I've got to pull my weight around here!"
It's good to be married to a hard-working woman!
Monday, April 1, 2013
A Plug
If you know my sister, Megan, or her husband, Billy, you really ought to get access to their blog.
Their new life in India is really interesting.
"On to the interesting stuff! Crossing the street in India is a real life game of Frogger. In one word, it is simply terrifying. The roadways here are clogged with every manner of vehicle you can imagine. Cars, motorcycles, massive trucks far larger than any I've seen, cows, tractors, lawn mowers, horses, elephants, beggars, camels and even monkeys. Pedestrians do not have the right of way anywhere and are typically cursed at and swerved around in violent manners. Crosswalks exist, but they mean absolutely nothing. If you are able to find a stop light with a walk signal, do not be fooled. These too are completely ignored and traffic will run you down without a worry. The traffic signals are merely a suggestion and are rarely followed. There are no such thing as speeding tickets and it has become a cultural norm to drive as fast as you possibly can and to pass other vehicles however you see fit. It is common practice to swerve into oncoming traffic and expect them to move for you so long as you flash your lights. On our drive home our vehicle lost the drivers side mirror when a drunk driver side swiped our car at 10 in the morning. The interesting part is that the drunk man was driving an ambulance. When our driver approached the ambulance the man just yelled at him and drove off. Our Indian driver kind of shrugged and just went about his business of driving us home. "
The blog is private, so you won't find it just anywhere. I liked B's video of crossing the street.
Their new life in India is really interesting.
"On to the interesting stuff! Crossing the street in India is a real life game of Frogger. In one word, it is simply terrifying. The roadways here are clogged with every manner of vehicle you can imagine. Cars, motorcycles, massive trucks far larger than any I've seen, cows, tractors, lawn mowers, horses, elephants, beggars, camels and even monkeys. Pedestrians do not have the right of way anywhere and are typically cursed at and swerved around in violent manners. Crosswalks exist, but they mean absolutely nothing. If you are able to find a stop light with a walk signal, do not be fooled. These too are completely ignored and traffic will run you down without a worry. The traffic signals are merely a suggestion and are rarely followed. There are no such thing as speeding tickets and it has become a cultural norm to drive as fast as you possibly can and to pass other vehicles however you see fit. It is common practice to swerve into oncoming traffic and expect them to move for you so long as you flash your lights. On our drive home our vehicle lost the drivers side mirror when a drunk driver side swiped our car at 10 in the morning. The interesting part is that the drunk man was driving an ambulance. When our driver approached the ambulance the man just yelled at him and drove off. Our Indian driver kind of shrugged and just went about his business of driving us home. "
The blog is private, so you won't find it just anywhere. I liked B's video of crossing the street.
Sign #978,342,534,941,671,234,000,001 I'm Not Perfect
Despite what you may believe, I'm not perfect.
I managed to drive to Nana's house to pick up Shane WITHOUT a car-seat.
In GURPS terms: I failed multiple IQ checks.
Carrie and I switched cars today. I had to remove my laptop from the Prius and I stuck it in the back seat of the Volvo.
IQ check to see if I noticed there is no car seat next to my work bag: FAILED!
When I got to work, I did not reach back for my bag. I got out and opened the back door.
IQ check to see if I noticed there is no car seat next to my work bag: FAILED!
Even more ironically, I knew exactly where the Volvo's car seat was. I moved it when I was cleaning the garage out on Saturday. I remember thinking "I'll put it here so it's in plain sight, but far enough back no one will back into it."
IQ check to go ahead and put the car-seat in while I was thinking about it: FAILED!
Maybe this is only really funny to me, but this is the verse of the day I read earlier.
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
Does that mean I'm wise? Because I make my fair share of simple screw-ups.
It keeps me humble and it's worth a good laugh, so I thought I'd share. I don't want to risk anyone mistaking my rugged good looks and amazing ability to do the right thing as meaning I'm more than a mere mortal.
I managed to drive to Nana's house to pick up Shane WITHOUT a car-seat.
In GURPS terms: I failed multiple IQ checks.
Carrie and I switched cars today. I had to remove my laptop from the Prius and I stuck it in the back seat of the Volvo.
IQ check to see if I noticed there is no car seat next to my work bag: FAILED!
When I got to work, I did not reach back for my bag. I got out and opened the back door.
IQ check to see if I noticed there is no car seat next to my work bag: FAILED!
Even more ironically, I knew exactly where the Volvo's car seat was. I moved it when I was cleaning the garage out on Saturday. I remember thinking "I'll put it here so it's in plain sight, but far enough back no one will back into it."
IQ check to go ahead and put the car-seat in while I was thinking about it: FAILED!
Maybe this is only really funny to me, but this is the verse of the day I read earlier.
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
—1 Corinthians 1:27
Does that mean I'm wise? Because I make my fair share of simple screw-ups.
It keeps me humble and it's worth a good laugh, so I thought I'd share. I don't want to risk anyone mistaking my rugged good looks and amazing ability to do the right thing as meaning I'm more than a mere mortal.
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