Wednesday, June 15, 2016


With Shane out of town, Carrie and I managed to squeak some dates into our schedule. We're both working, so no exotic locales were explored.

It kicked off our week with Carrie's parents for lunch Sunday. 

There are several horse stores around Richmond. Can you guess where we went next?

Carrie said, "It's a surprise!"  when I asked, but it wasn't! The real surprise was when the owner, Myrna, recognized Carrie. It turned out Grandma used to know Myrna and help out with shows!

Jeff Foxworthy amused me while the ladies chatted.

We wandered around Carrytown and found a game store. Our refrigerator almost became an outlet for creative expression.

We crossed off a couple of restaurants around town on my "Should visit list," too. A short walk on one night out led to a small, independent grocer.

If Carrie doesn't recognize it, there's no way I'm going to recognize it. Kohlrabi is going to appear on our dinner table sometime soon.

Much of the produce was locally grown. The selection entertained Carrie; The stories entertained me.

I felt sorry for the cashier, though. He got thrown into prime time. He was alone, new, and nothing we bought had a barcode on it.

We didn't go out every night. There are other ways to stay entertained around the house.

We watched the entire Voltron reboot on Netflix, too. Carrie loved it. I need a second season to decide.

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