Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day 2016

6:00 PM Saturday night, I decided to drive to Fairfax with Shane. Nana and Pop were in town, Carrie had a Hunter Pace, and it was Father's Day! 

8:00 PM, we hopped in the car and started north. Shane was asleep by 8:40 PM. We arrived around 10:00 PM. Matt, Renee, and I watched a movie and hung out before bed.

Shane woke up at 4:52 AM that morning. He was too excited. The next several hours are a blur. I made him stay quiet and in the room, but he rolled around the bed, poked me, told me when he heard a bird, when it got lighter outside... I was groggy out of my mind come 7:00 AM. 

Shane and I snuck out of the house and grabbed breakfast at Main St. Bagel Deli to start the day. Half asleep, I dropped my coffee. The owner helped clean up and said "Happy Father's Day!" without a hint of irony (it was appreciated).

After breakfast, Shane and I rendezvoused with Nana, Pop, Jama, and Indy.

We drove to Christ Church together. Indy claimed Evelyn's seat as her own.

Dogs don't get to go into church, though. We took turns keeping her company (and quiet) during the service. I took the first shift.

Jama took the last! Look who showed up to the next service: Bryce!

Shane remembered Bryce.

And they were even color coordinated with super heroes. It was like we planned it.

The boys enjoyed taking turns...,

..., exploring, and running around.

Meanwhile, the adults talked! I hadn't seen Bruce or Reyna in over a year. It probably wasn't that long for Nana, but she likes to talk anyway!

Nana and Pop caught up with a ton of old friends. We discovered Christ Church when I was an 8th grader. Two decades later, there was plenty to talk about! Pop still had time to chase the boys in between "hellos."

Eventually, the next service started and we had to move on. Pop did a drive by of the old house to reminisce. Shane remembered the way!

We returned to Jama's for lunch. TV sedated Shane while we waited for Matt and Renee to join us. It made Shane and easy target for Pop!

He didn't leave the chair after Pop started to mess with him either! Only the pause button could break the spell. Shane recovered plenty of energy to play with Matt after lunch!

I demonstrated the 'forced wheelbarrow' technique.

Shane was still full of spunk when Nana wanted to take pictures.

He found the lift chair's remote control while Matt and Renee smiled and smiled and...rose.

From Nana's angle:

It was all in good fun. Shane took a turn next!

Everyone held Shane down for a family photo next.

Happy Father's Day 2016!

Jama kicked everyone out for nap soon after. Shane was sufficiently worn out to sleep half the way home!

Or maybe it was that 5 AM wake-up. I know I felt it.

We arrived home to the scent of pulled pork. Carrie beat us back by a few minutes and started to serve up Father's Day dinner down south. We had root beer floats for dessert!

A good day home and far away!

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I so loved this post! It was such a wonderful trip getting to spend so much time with you and Shane. You and Carrie have done an excellent job raising your son. We love you! Thank you for blogging our adventures together. I was happy to see the church ones, too.
