Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Creek

The creek is a new summer standard. 



And it goes on.

Tuesday, I wanted to check out where the Willoughby playground was (Well, really I wanted to do it Monday, but Shane was stubborn and I didn't push it).

It was closer than expected.

There were a pair of older boys when we arrived, but they disappeared into the trees for shade soon after.

Shane toured all of the equipment. I gave him a spin.

I made Shane walk with me on the path a ways to see what the neighborhood looked like.

Which suddenly led to him being "too tired" and "too hot." Amazingly, his energy level returned when it was time to do what he wanted.

Which was okay with me, because we passed some kids going down to the creek right after we'd played there for a while. I had hoped they were still around and they were.

Jeremy, the father, and his three kids had nets and were catching fish and crawdads for their aquarium (at home and eventually for his science classroom).

They shared a net with Shane.

Kara (spelling?) was the little older than Shane. The middle daughter was going into kindergarten, and Hartman, the little boy, was the youngest.

I've tried to avoid having Shane jump in the water, but (like last time) when everyone else was doing it I gave him my blessing.

Shane was quick to abandon all restraint and test limits.

Side note: The big rock bridge had fallen, but there was some new rock art. It's hard to see through the camera alone.

Wednesday, Raheem was outside early. He really wanted to see the new playground when we told him about it.

So, we showed it to him.

I spun them a couple times and then retreated to shade.

Shane is addicted to jumping in the water now. It's a good thing he can swim.

He wanted to swim in the creek, but I asked him to keep his head out of the water. I don't know how clean it really is.

Thursday, we went to the creek and park again. It hadn't been my plan, but Shane and Raheem asked the moment they hopped on their bikes. Every day before Shane and I came home, shower, and change clothes afterward. Why should Thursday be any different?

It wasn't at the top of my list, but I acquiesced. We took a new trail and hit the playground first.


Before the kids wore out, I wanted to explore the neighborhood a little.

Shane quickly became too tired and too hot again. He was more dramatic this time, but Raheem and I coaxed him to take a lap of a few cul-de-sacs. Willoughby was a sleepy little neighborhood at midday.  Yet again, his energy level magically returned when it was time to do what he wanted.

Sadly, on the way home the drama ratcheted up. Raheem wore old shorts, so he could go in the water today (He hadn't gone in Wednesday). Shane however was in newer shoes. I didn't want him to go in the water with them. Then, I didn't want him to take them off so he could go in (I'd just carried a bike up the hill, two bike helmets, and Shane complains that his pedals hurt his feet so he'd want to put his wet feet back in his shoes....and I wanted to take him to Pokemon night or meet Dylan after dinner as a surprise so I didn't want to stay out too long).

This did not please the young prince.

"DADDY! How could you let me wear these shoes! You're mean!" Shane shrieked.

He'd already been snotty for a while, so it was the last draw. I told him it was time to go home.

It got a lot worse before it got better. Shane threw a fit. He kept yelling and calling me mean, and said he wasn't leaving until I announced, "If I get home first, I know where your Pokemon cards are. Some will go missing."

It didn't get much better on the way home. Shane bawled, shrieked, and kept at whining. I could have left his bike and dragged him home, but that's not the way I parent....but I thought about it. Raheem's bike busted as we got underway and his front wheel seized. I carried it home for him while he walked Shane's bike.

Shane started to perk back up and ride again, but quickly devolved into theatrics. He wanted to pass both of us and when we didn't allow him (We walked faster/steadier) he was mad. Eventually, he got to an open enough area he did pass me for a second. I didn't mind and let him, but when he stopped (again) and I continued past him Shane got mad and tried to block my path. That didn't work.

Shane's on creek restriction for several days now. I made him go inside after I grabbed some tools and helped Raheem out with his tire. Shane went up wailing to the bathtub, but seemed to accept his fate after cleaning off. He didn't throw a huge fit when we stayed in the rest of the day and forwent electronics. He even listened (or pretended to) for most of the time when we reflected back on what happened.

My prayer is always that Shane learned the right lesson from all of it. Only God knows.

We'll start back up at the creek next week. There won't be as much time when school starts.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Mike! She will learn self control and that his actions have consequences by your excellent parenting. We are so proud of you! Shane and Raheem have such good adventures in nature, thanks to you!

