Monday, October 23, 2017

Threat of Rain? No Problem

Storms in the forecast don't prevent soccer.

Which is great. It teaches kids not to give up at the first sign of potential trouble.

Shane's soccer abilities continue to improve, but if there was one thing I could 'fix' it would be his attitude. He's very passionate. He gets excited and can be boastful and mocking when he's winning. Then he can totally crumple when someone else has a good move or he makes a mistake.

He gets the passionate from me. Probably his mom, too. I hope he'll learn how to tame it and turn it into fuel rather than let it turn him into a fool.

Sometimes, it's a ton of fun to put practice on hold to fool around, though! Coach Brian said, "Everyone jump on Coach Jeanluc!"

Shane led the charge!

I'm not trying to knock on Shane for being dramatic, by the way. There's always something to learn and he's only six. Mistakes and losing are a crucial part of learning and it's vital to learn how to handle them well. Sports are a vehicle for that.

I'm glad that we joined the team for Shane's school. They're a good group of kids. I meant to email a parent about getting the boys together but never got around to it with Carrie sick.

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