Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Upward Basketball Evaluations

Today was something new for us: Basketball evaluations. It helped that they were at the church we went to for VBS.

They checked Shane's height and had sample jerseys to try on for sizing. Shane's a YS.

Lord of the Beans was on to help people wait until it was their turn to join an evaluation group.

There was a timer set for 30-second intervals. It would buzz. Someone would start. It would buzz again. They were done. There was normally a small gap in between as they examiner readied the next kid and then the process repeated. It was well organized and there were multiple groups running through multiple exercises off the same timer. Shane noticed the timer and I saw him watching it on and off (especially when it was his turn).

The first exercise was to side shuffle between two cones. Shane did well.

The next exercises were to dribble right-handed and left-handed between the cones. Shane did....

Dribbling is not his strong point. He did better with shooting.  

The kids were asked to shoot from the right and left and to aim for the backboard.

The final exercise was lane shooting. The shooter was supposed to change position from right to middle to left and back to middle after each shot. Shane did well, but would have done even better if he'd kept his focus.

Shane was OK on the sidelines. I had to give him stern signals to stop climbing on a basketball hoop and trying to sit on a cone and sings about his butt a couple of times. The other kids had trouble waiting sometimes, too. He was the most animated and likely to leave the line (though he basically stayed in the same area, so that's a win!).

We're supposed to hear from whoever will be our coach around Thanksgiving.

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